Feb 28, 2015

Fun Fact from the Cat Lady Survey!

Yesterday I asked you all to take my Cat Lady Survey, and some of the results that came back were really fun and interesting -- and even surprising!

First, I want to thank everyone for participating. I wanted some input on some things, and I knew the Cat Ladies (and the rest of you here!) were the perfect people to ask! Thank you!

(Psst... if you haven't taken the Cat Lady Survey yet, please do - click here! There's still time!)

Here's one fun fact that stood out.

How do you stack up? Is 4.48 cats a "crazy cat lady" or is it more than 4.48 cats that gets you there? Apparently I need 1.48 more cats to be catch up and be at least average!

I'll share more soon. This is fun!

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Feb 27, 2015

CALLING ALL CAT LADIES! Please Take This Quick Cat Lady Survey

Hi everyone! I'd like to ask your opinion on a few things. Can you please help me out? I have a couple ideas, and I'd love your input!

If you're a cat lady or have friends who are, I'd really appreciate if you could take this quick survey for me. It's kind of fun, and it only takes a few minutes! 

If the survey doesn't show above or doesn't work, please click here to go to the direct link and take it there. Thank you!

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