That little menace just bullied his way into my heart and Pimp's favorite spot on the bed -- and life is so much better now that it was before!
That's why we love today. It's National Get a Pal for Your Pet Day, sponsored by P.A.L., or Pets Add Life. Because they do add life to our lives. Lots of it.
I can't imagine only having one cat now. In fact, today Moo had to go on a little staycation for a couple hours. My landlord was going to come by to drop off the lease for next year and check the place out, and I'm only supposed to have one cat. So, I packed Moo and his food bowls up and he went to stay at a friend's for a couple hours.
And I was miserable! And secretly, Pimp was, too. He tries to act like he doesn't like Moo, but I know he really does. He enjoys the company and having another cat around. I'm gone all day for work all the time, and this way they at least have each other around!
Plus, Moo keeps Pimp in shape and young. They chase each other around the house like crazy! Sometimes I think I have buffaloes instead of cats. I wonder what the people below me think.
No matter! Pimp is burning calories, thanks to Moo, and that makes his life better!
Some reasons why you should get a pet a pal:
--They get more toys! Twice as many even, if they're lucky.
--They get more treats! Pimp always picks up Moo's scraps.
--They get more exercise! It takes two to chase.
--They get more love. Sneaky Moo loves to give Pimp a little lick every now and then.
--They get more company. There's always a best friend around.
Pimp would not like me sharing this... but I have proof that they love each other.
P.S. That is our old house... and our old couch! That was before I discovered the wonders of microfiber. ;)
So what are you waiting for? There is somecat or somedog in a shelter somewhere just waiting for you to bring them home so they can make both you and your pet's life better!
This post is sponsored by the Pets Add Life campaign and the American Pet Products Association. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about the benefits and joys of pet ownership, which is nice, of course, but I would have done it anyway! :)