Happy Two Cats Tuesday, Cuteheads! Today we have two exciting things.
First, we set up our Christmas tree last night and you-know-who couldn't wait to get under there. So far all the ornaments are intact, but we normally do a bet each year on when the first one will go down.
Anyone have any guesses?
Do I look like I'd knock ornaments off the tree?! |
Today is also one of the best "shopping" days of the year.
It's Giving Tuesday! Have you ever heard of it?
Apparently it's new this year, but I'm all for it (and Santa Paws Drive is
an official partner!). It's the day when you're encouraged to give to charity and to others who are less fortunate, instead of normal shopping for ourselves for the holidays.
So today for Giving Tuesday, we decided to have our
Kickoff Pawty for Santa Paws Drive on Twitter! We're going to be tweeting from
8-10 p.m. EST -- and we'll have lots of great prizes, tons of fun, bunches of good friends... and I'll be tweeting as Santa! (
@SantaPawsDrive, that is!)
Please stop by if you can by
searching hashtag #santapawsdrive during that time. The goal is to hang out with and meet new friends, spread the word about Santa Paws Drive and help boost donations so we can send shelter animals tons of holiday cheer!
If you do want to give for Giving Tuesday, I'd really appreciate if you gave a little to Santa Paws Drive. Our goal is $1,000 for each of our six shelters and enough toys to send each of the 750 cats and 450 dogs a gift. I know we can do it!
For more info and to donate, please visit
SantaPawsDrive.com. Thank you all!
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