Aug 3, 2013

Transport Day: 13 Kitties, 2 Transports (and Announcing Cute Transport Network!)

It's transport weekend again! And an extra special one at that! Not only do we have two big transports going at once, but I have some big news to go with it...

It's official! We're official! Announcing Cute Transport Network!

We officially have a Facebook page and a group dedicated to just the transports! I'm so excited!

Now let's meet this weekend's transport kitties!

TRANSPORT #1 - To forever homes and Forever Home Feline Ranch

Linus was saved from the streets of Miami by Cutehead Kerri H. and the others on this trip were all saved from animal control in Broward County, FL! Now they are safe and looking forward to the rest of their lives!

Follow along with this transport on Your Daily Cute and Cute Transport Network's Facebook pages and on Twitter using the hashtag #9catcaravan.

Linus is headed to his new mom, Cutehead Gina O. in Gurnee, IL!

The "Hunger Games Torties" are heading to Forever Home Feline Ranch in Springfield, IL to find their forever homes! Their names changed from their shelter photo. Now they're Katniss, Rue and Primrose!
The Crazy Tail Cocktails! Mojito, Mimosa, Martini (and their mom, Margarita) are also headed to Forever Home Feline Ranch!
Pretty kitty Karma is heading to her new mom, Kat, in Atlanta!

TRANSPORT #2 - Forever homes and Rikki's Refuge

Every kitty on this transport was saved from animal control, and we have some very special ones! This is a very sweet bunch!

Follow along with this transport on Your Daily Cute and Cute Transport Network's Facebook pages and on Twitter using the hashtag #busterandfriends.

Buster (he looks like a lion!) is heading to his new mom, Cutehead Donna S., in Richmond, Va!
Sweet Deja is heading for Rikki's Refuge in Virginia. She had a spinal injury at some point in her life and walks a little carefully and slower, but she is super sweet! Hope she finds the best home!
Eddie tested FIV+ and it wasn't looking good, but Rikki's Refuge was happy to help him! 
Lizzie was saved from an animal control in Central Florida. She is gorgeous and heading to her forever home in Georgia!

Help Future Transports!
Want to help transport rescue kitties in the future? Sign up to be one of our volunteer drivers by filling out this form so we can contact you if a cat needs to go through your area! The more drivers we have, the more cats we can help! Thank you all!

Tremendous Thank You!
We couldn't do any of it without our super partner in rescue, Stacey of Good Karma Pet Rescue of South Florida for helping get him out of the shelter and all vetted and ready. Our fabulous fosters Dawn S., Cory L., Colleen M., Rita A., Maribel M. for taking such good care of them!

And huge thanks to all our Cutehead drivers! YOU all make this possible. Rita A., Kd P., Lorraine N., Deb S., Shirley G., Melanie M., Desiree B., Amanda D., Julie M., Diane L., Shannon Z., Dixie M., Kim C., Andrea C., Marsha C., Laura B., and Cindy T. and Brenda B.! And super huge thanks to Emily and Desiree for hosting the sleepovers tonight (they are 2-day trips)!

And the biggest thanks of all to the new moms, Kat D., Gina O. and Jeannete D. for adopting their lucky kitties, Forever Home Feline Ranch for helping save so many and finding them great homes and Rikki's Refuge for opening up their hearts also!

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Aug 2, 2013

Upside Down Kitten Makes Sleepy Biscuits

Pirate the kitten is one happy, adorable kitty. She lies on her back half asleep and makes lots and lots of happy kitty biscuits! Air biscuits... So sweet!

Turns out Pirate is up for adoption, according to the video description! She is at Big City Little Kitty rescue in New York and this is her Petfinder page.

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Aug 1, 2013

Momma Cat Hugs Her Baby

Fair warning: This video contains the perfect storm of cute!

A tiny tabby baby sleeps belly up, kicking his little feet to his dreams. Momma lies nearby, her arm stretched protectively over him, occasionally giving him a little lick or a nuzzle. After a little bit, she goes in for the full hug, and we all collectively squee!

Did I mention that mom is a kitler cat?! As if she wasn't cute enough!

NOTE FROM CUTE: We have some big news coming up soon! Watch out for a super exciting weekend...

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Jul 31, 2013

Cute Owl Loves Eskimo Kisses

Sweet, gentle nose-to-nose Eskimo kisses are what makes this adorably beautiful owl happy. She loves her kisses and, from the look on her face, loves the person giving them to her, too.

Such a tender little moment caught on film! And what a gorgeous owl. Wow!

(Saw this on Cheezburger this week.)

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Jul 30, 2013

Two Cats Tuesday: Moo's Not-Box Update and a Nap with the Boys!

Happy Two Cats Tuesday, Cuteheads! This week Moo did some fantastic work with his not-box and I took a nap with both boys piled on top of me. (Yes, the not-box is still going strong!)

Moo rearranges his not-box all the time, and this week he decided he was done with it being even remotely like a box... He made a line!

The not-box is even less of a box!
And this weekend, we had the most lovely nap on the couch! We don't get to take a lot of naps (well, I don't, but the boys do!), and so whenever I lie down to take a nap, they both come right over and snuggle in for a good snooze.

NOTE FROM CUTE: We have two transports this weekend, and we need need just one leg covered! Can any of you help?

Saturday August 3rd
Ashburn, GA to Atlanta, GA in the evening

If you can help, please fill out our volunteer transport form! Don't forget you can drive down south from Atlanta to meet up with the kitties and bring them back up north!

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Jul 29, 2013

Two Kissing Sloths

What better way to start your week than with a pair of kissing sloths? We love sloths... and sloths love each other!

Now get a room, you two...

BONUS CUTE: Tiny turtle wants kitty kisses.

P.S. Oscar made it to his new mommy last night! Whoo hoo! #OscarTransport was a success! Isn't this the cutest picture?

Oscar and his new mom, Cutehead Paige W.!
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Jul 28, 2013

Silly Kitty Loves Her Belly Tickled!

Silvy loves her belly tickled and she makes the cutest faces when you're doing it!

She just can't seem to close her mouth. Think maybe she's smiling or silently laughing?

BONUS CUTE: Tickling a penguin!

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