Jan 30, 2010

Drummer Cat is Drumming

As perhaps the most purrfect followup to yesterday's singing cats (if you missed them, GO!), here's a drummer cat ready to join their band!

Nothing like a little toilet tapping to brighten your day!

Note from Cute: I'm moving all day today so wish me luck. Oh, and the cable guy is supposed to come and set up the Interwebs for me, so paws crossed that it all goes well so I can be online again tomorrow and visit all the bloggy buddies I've missed these past few days!

Jan 29, 2010

Sensational Singing Kitties!

Lots of your favorite Youtube kitties collaborated to come up with this instant, catchy hit song!

You'll notice some superstars like Burnsey and Maru... and a couple newcomers who are sure to be famous soon. This little video was so much fun to watch -- they really put a lot of work into it!

Jan 28, 2010

Birdie Serenades his Plushie Friend

What a sweet little cockatiel... I wonder if he thinks his stuffed friend is a real friend. They do look so much alike. Maybe his buddy has just overindulged a little on the bird seed and that's why he's so, well, fluffy?

The cutest part is that I really think he loves his plushie pal!

Jan 27, 2010

Mini Maru? Kitten Box Attack!

Could this little kitty be Maru's protege?

I mean, no cat has the box-diving skills that the famous Maru does, but I bet as this little girl grows up and perfects her skills, she might give Maru a run for his catnip!

Jan 26, 2010

Two Cats Tuesday: We're Packing!

Happy Two Cats Tuesday, Cuteheads! Whew... it's been a busy couple weeks. We're moving (not too far, just a few miles away), so you know that can get crazy.

I'm pretty sure the only one who actually likes packing is Moo...

Moo, who as you know as an obsession with boxes, must check out every single one.

Then he has to get ON each one, just to check for sturdiness. I guess.

And did you know that boxes make pawsome places to take a nap?

Pimp, however, is not amused. He's moved 5 times with me before so this is old news. What's with that crazy new guy Moo anyway? :)

Just want to take a minute to apologize for not making all my regular rounds at my favorite blogs -- I promise to catch up as soon as I finished moving! And, believe me, I can't wait to finish...

Have a great Tuesday everyone!

Jan 25, 2010

Guitar Cat Sneaks Some Scratchin'

This smart kitty takes full advantage of his human's hobby... because, clearly, the only reason this guy is playing that guitar is to strum up some scratches for his furry friend. Right?

I wonder if different chords make for different scritches...

Jan 24, 2010

Crazy Contortionist Cat

At first glance, you may thing Gizmo is a pretzel. But you'd be wrong -- Gizmo is just a very flexible contortionist cat.

A crazy one, too... Just look at how he's balanced on top of that door trying to catch his tail!

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