Feb 21, 2014

Man Finds Out His Cat Has Cancer and Makes Her a Bucket List

When one amazing cat dad found out his cat, Ella, was diagnosed with cancer, he didn't mourn or get sad. Instead he made her a bucket list so she could have the most wonderful experiences in the time she had left!

Ella was adopted from the shelter as an adult cat after living there for years. Her human daddy and his roommate fell in love with her, and just knew she was the one they'd take home. But after just a few months of her living with them, they learned she had terminal cancer.

The first reaction was to be happy that they gave her the loving home she so much deserves in her final months. And the second was to make her life the best one ever. I love this!

GREAT UPDATE: Yay! Ella's daddy, Stephen, left us a comment down below saying this:

"Hello -- Stephen, Ella's human here! I actually recorded a short video update that should be linked in the main video. Spoiler alert: A new vet and a new round of x-rays and blood work revealed that Ella's cancer is more self-contained than we thought, and she has an optimistic outlook of a good few years left! Definitely made my year to learn that recently. Thanks for watching :)"

Hurray for Ella! Hopefully we'll get to see more cute videos of her as she enjoys her bucket list!

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Feb 20, 2014

Baby Goats Hopping Around the House!

I love cats, but oh my goodness do I love me a cute goat, too! And here are a whole bunch of them just hopping and hoofin' around a house!

The woman says they are older now, and not in the house, of course, but can you imagine how much fun this would have been?! I want a little goat!

Thanks to Cutehead Donna S. for sharing this cute baby goat video with us!

P.S. This is my first time sharing a video from Facebook, so if you can't see it here, you can watch it at the original page. I heard some people had trouble seeing the kitty and ocean video yesterday from Instagram. Hope you can see this one!

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Feb 19, 2014

Cat Swims in the Ocean and Relaxes on the Beach!

This is amazing on so many levels! Hot Lava the kitty lives in Honolulu with her daddy, and they like to go to the beach together!

Hot Lava plays in the water and catches some warm rays on the sand with her daddy... in what may be one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen.

Lava is gorgeous, the landscape is gorgeous, the video is adorable! Hot Lava has an Instagram account, and it looks like she was adopted from the Hawaiian Humane Society. Lucky kitty!

More Hot Lava!

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Feb 18, 2014

Two Cats and a Phantom Tuesday: The Boys Making HUGE Progress!

Happy Two Cats and a Phantom Tuesday, Cuteheads! We've been going very slowly around here trying to get Moo to like Phantom and everyone to get along better, and this week we had some huge breakthroughs!

This weekend was the first days I left everyone out in general population 24/7 without closing a door to separate Pimp and Moo from Phantom when I left the house. I was doing that just to be super careful so I didn't come home to some crazy situation.

So we tried this since seems seemed to be going better... and everyone was great!

We were nice enough to leave a corner for our mom. We're thoughtful kitties. 
Can you believe it? Everyone on the bed at the same time! No cuddling, but let's not push it, OK? This was huge!

Later that day, I went and lied on the bed and two of the boys came right over to lie with me. And this happened...

We have to always be in contact in some way to make sure she's safe!
That one was so exciting that I went and posted it right to Facebook, so you may have already seen it. But I had to share here for everyone else too!

And then, yesterday, I caught this...

Sniff, sniff... Up close #phantomwatch!
I don't know about you, but that's dangerously close to a smooch. Moo better watch it or his mean-boy reputation is going to go away!

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Feb 17, 2014

Sloths Make the Cutest Noises While Exercising

Exercising his hard work, especially if you're a lazy sloth. So it's not surprising that they let out some cute little grunts and just seem like it is very, very strenuous.

Clearly, he's working out very hard. And very cutely!

P.S. If a person makes these same noises in the gym, there's no way it would be cute at all. Sloths can get away with anything!

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Feb 16, 2014

Raccoon Popping Bubble Wrap

I guess we aren't the only ones who can't resist popping bubble wrap when we see it... Raccoons love it too!

There's something kind of relaxing and [What is the word I'm looking for here that means something like healing?!] about just popping the bubbles, isn't there? I'm feeling more relaxed just watching him.

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