Jul 21, 2012

Golden Retriever Loves Guitar

Dogs have a good sense of hearing, and apparently good taste in music. See how this golden retriever bobs her head while the music is playing, but when it stops, she suddenly does, too.

And the face! Like, hey... keep jammin'!

Thanks to Cute's Facebook friend, Rebecca, for sharing this cute golden retriever likes guitar video with us!

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Jul 20, 2012

Kitten Discovers Herself in the Mirror

I'm going to let you in on a little secret. It's the ultimate, never-fail recipe for a cute cat video. Ready? All you need is two ingredients...

1. A curiously adorable kitten (tabby, tuxie, tortie - any kitten will do)
2. A mirror (on the wall, in your bathroom, leaning against something, etc.)

Put the kitten in front of the mirror. That's it. Instant cute video! Allow Hyder the kitten to demonstrate:

P.S. Please don't forget to vote for your favorite blogs every day!

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Jul 19, 2012

Tiny Kitten Takes on Big Doberman

Seven-week-old foster kitten, Pancake, knows a friend when she sees one... and this giant doberman is one of those!

Sugar Tree is a two-year-old doberman whose house has suddenly been taken over by this miniature little beast of a playmate who swats and flops and bites, and Sugar Tree just delicately plays back as if Pancake was one of her own kids.

I think the kitten won this battle!

Thanks to Cute's fab friend, Tamar from I Have Cat, for sharing this cute kitten and doberman video with us!

NOTE FROM CUTE: Yesterday Chalse started his transport journey to his new home! I drove him halfway to Tampa, where I met my sister. She then drove him to Tampa, where he spent the night with fellow Cutehead, Melissa. Today they're hitting the road for Georgia!

I've been posting pictures on the Cute's Facebook page if you want to follow along. I'll work on a big update post later in case you don't have Facebook, too. We are doing such a great thing here!

P.S. Please don't forget to vote every day!

Jul 18, 2012

Cute Kitten Chorus

Three kittens vying for the role of lead meower of the bathtub. The first two are putting up some pretty good competition... Seems like making a decision is going to be hard (I'm assuming the person filming is the judge here).

But just when you think you're going to have to choose between the two of them, the third kitten really kicks in. And it turns out she's a screamer... a bona fide rock star in the making. She's got some lungs on her!

P.S. Today Chalse starts on his transport journey to his new mom in St. Louis! Remember how we raised money for him to save him from death row? Well, I'm going to do the first leg of his trip tomorrow! He'll meet up with his new kitty sister in Georgia (also saved from death row!) and then go on to their new home all the way in Missouri. We'll be sharing tons of pictures on the Cute's Facebook page, so be sure to follow along on their journey! I think I'm leaving around 5pm.

And here's your daily reminder to vote! Cute is a finalist for "Funniest Blog or Blogger in this year's Petties awards. The winner gets a $1,000 donation to a shelter of their choice. If I win, the Cats Exclusive kitties get the money! Yay! Vote here: http://petties.dogtime.com/ or by clicking the badge. Thank you!

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Jul 17, 2012

Two Cats Tuesday: A Rare Role Reversal!

Happy Two Cats Tuesday, Cuteheads! Those of you who've been following along probably think you have Pimp and Moo's personalities pretty figured out: Moo is the goofball and Pimp is the wise, rational one.

Well, that's the case about 90% of the time. Sometimes, Pimp forgets he's 13 years old and goes nuts out of nowhere.

What are you looking at?
There I was just quietly using the computer when I started to hear a ruckus behind me. Can you believe that ruckus was Pimp bunny-kicking his Moderncat ModKicker toy? He was going crazy!

I love when he does that. He doesn't play as much as he used to, but when he does... watch out, toys!

Then, the next day I was lying on the couch (which I usually do with Pimp on top of me) and I looked up and this is what I saw...

I was going crazy earlier. I earned this nap.
A relaxing Moo! He's usually the one going nuts with his ears all back running through the house like a wild hyena (wild hyenas do that, right?). But right that second he was as calm as could be.

Something fishy going on over here!

P.S. Pimp and Moo wanted to remind you to vote again today for The Petties finalists! The winners each get a $1,000 donation to a shelter of their choice. If I win, the Cats Exclusive kitties get the money! Yay! Vote here: http://petties.dogtime.com/ or by clicking the badge. Thank you!

Jul 16, 2012

Cat Stealing the Neighbor's Newspaper

Not that Cute condones stealing or anything, but this is one good kitty! Just look at how he brings his daddy the paper in the morning!

Nevermind that it's actually the neighbor's paper and not his... Details, details.

Thanks to Moki the Wobbly Cat for sharing this on his Facebook page so we could find it!

And here's your daily reminder to vote! Cute is a finalist for "Funniest Blog or Blogger in this year's Petties awards. The winner gets a $1,000 donation to a shelter of their choice. If I win, the Cats Exclusive kitties get the money! Yay! Vote here: http://petties.dogtime.com/ or by clicking the badge. Thank you!

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Jul 15, 2012

Why Won't He Wake Up and Play With Me?

Bugglegum loves his human daddy so much that he just sits and patiently stares at him waiting for him to wake up. What a gentle, sweet boy he seems like!

I love how his mom keeps encouraging him to keep it up and telling him he's a good boy.

Would you love to open your eyes in the morning and Bubblegum's adorable face be the first thing you see?

Here's your daily reminder to vote! Cute is a finalist for "Funniest Blog or Blogger in this year's Petties awards. The winner gets a $1,000 donation to a shelter of their choice. If I win, the Cats Exclusive kitties get the money! Yay! Vote here: http://petties.dogtime.com/ or by clicking the badge.

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