Apr 20, 2013

Dog Wants a Kitten - Super Cute Voice-Over Video!

There's nothing in the world this cute dog wants than a kitten. More specifically, a female tabby baby.

He's been telling his daddy that he wants one really bad, and today his daddy had some pretty exciting news to tell him. I've never seen a more excited doggie!

We love a cute video. And we extra love a cute video that promotes adoption, like this one, which was made for Pets Add Life. Cute and for a good cause. Win!

Thanks to Cutehead Sue T. (and the one at HART who we sent all the transport kitties up to!) for sharing this cute Dog Wants a Kitten video with us!

P.S. Countdown to my birthday... 10 days!

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Apr 19, 2013

Hysterically Laughing Parrot

Whatever joke someone just told this parrot, I want to hear it, too! Because he is literally LOLing.

I love how he has his mom's laugh exactly down, right down to the breath she takes before laughing some more. Someone get this parrot a cracker!

P.S. We have another transport coming up soon... Almost time to get started getting the drivers together! I'll let you know super soon!

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Apr 18, 2013

Cat Feeds Squirrel a Peanut

Squirrel TV is one of any cat's favorite channels to watch from the window sill. That and Birdie TV are the best.

And this kitty has gotten smart! You know how to keep your squirrel buddies coming back so they can entertain you outside the window? You feed them!

So Loki likes to feed the squirrels peanuts. I bet you they come by just for treats!

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Apr 17, 2013

Chow Puppy Can't Get Out of Bowl

Little legs can make it a little tough to get out of some situations... even little situations like this bowl.

Thanks to Cutehead Lauren G. for sending us this cute Chow Puppy Can't Get Out of Bowl video!

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Apr 16, 2013

Two Cats Tuesday: Moo's Box is Money and Pimp's Pose

Happy Two Cats Tuesday, Cuteheads! The day has finally come... Moo has some money! It's about time he started earning his keep around here. Sheesh!

A couple days ago, Moo found a box. It had shoes in it before, but now it has a cat. My boyfriend decided for some reason that Moo should have some money, so he threw a few dollars in the box with him.

This box is money!
He sat in that box with his money for quite a while, paw out, looking all kinds of comfortable. Shoe box and money? He is definitely a momma's boy!

Then this past weekend, Pimp helped make the bed. The difference between Pimp helping make the bed and Moo helping make the bed is incredible. Pimp is so nice about it. Moo just becomes the sheet monster.

These sheets are super comfy (and I am super proper).
P.S. The #16catroadtrip kitties made it to Maine safe and sound super late Sunday night (or early Monday morning). It was a long weekend for them, but now they get to have wonderful lives and find the best forever homes! Sixteen precious lives saved!

Pumpernickel in Maine! Have you ever seen a cuter kitty?
Fauna in Maine! We made it!
Once again, huge thank you to everyone who helped get these babies home and shared about them for drivers. And especially to the rescues who helped, Good Karma Pet Rescue here in Florida and HART of Maine where they went!

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Apr 15, 2013

Cat Really Wants His Glass of Water!

Some cats drink out of water glasses, but I've never seen a kitty want to drink out of one so bad that he pulls it to him, over and over!

I love how he wraps his paws around it and pulls it toward him. Perhaps this kitty has a drinking problem...

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Apr 14, 2013

Husky Mimics Baby (and a #16catroadtrip update!)

I'm not sure if Angel the husky is mimicking her 10-month-old human sister, Lexi, or if she's singing along with her. Or maybe they are both really understanding each other and are having a very empassioned, heated discussion about something ultra important that we can't comprehend.

I'm going with singing. Lalalalalala...

P.S. The #16catroadtrip is going great! The kitties made it safely to their sleepover spots in Raleigh last night around 11 p.m., and are hitting the road again this morning about 6 a.m.! It's going to be a long day for the herd, but a great one -- because they are getting to their rescue where they'll be tucked in safe and sound in their foster homes while they wait for their forever families to come along.

Don't forget to follow along on the Cute's Facebook page and on Twitter using the hashtag #16catroadtrip!

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