Happy Two Cats Tuesday! A while ago
Moo got a kitty cube, and he still loves it! It's one of his favorite things to play with.
Thing is, he doesn't "cube" like other kitties (I assume, anyway). Every morning when I get up, the cube is somewhere else in the living room, and inevitably turned over or on it's side somehow.
What he does with the cube I never knew... until now! I caught him in the middle of his crazy cube antics!
What? Just me and my cube here... I turn my cube ON ITS SIDE! See that pink? That's the bottom! Then I turn around and come out the top! Um, the side... And then back out the other side! Making your own cube games is fun!Thanks for coming by for Two Cats Tuesday! Next week, Pimp will get some time, too. Moo just had a cute moment for this one!
Also, a little reminder from Cute -- don't forget that I'm donating 5 cents to
Santa Paws Drive (the charity drive I helped start!) to everyone who follows
@SantaPawsDrive on Twitter. All the toys and money we raise go to lonely shelter animals this holiday!