It's transport day again! This weekend is one of the most special transports we've ever worked together on, Cuteheads. So many special kitties with so many special circumstances, all going to their forever homes. Every weekend should be this wonderful!
All the fabulous kitties on this transport! |
First, I just want to say that I am so grateful to all of you for all you help to be able to make these things happen. I know I say it all the time, but helping organize these things truly drives me. I have such a strong passion for it, and my favorite thing in the world is to help these kitties. People ask all the time how I do it or when I find the time. I don't know. But if a kitty needs help and we can do it, you just find the time. I could work 25 hours a day on this and not get tired of it. Every time we're able to save more, it just makes me so happy.
I can't thank you all enough for making it all possible. Everyone should have something they feel so passionately and strongly about. It's a gift, it really is. I hope we can keep doing this forever, and save tons and tons of cats together. I won't stop if you won't. :)
And now, without further ado, meet the kitties traveling this weekend!
Hagrid at the shelter. This is the picture we all fell in love with! |
Hagrid has a huge head. It's what made me fall in love with him, I think, and I'm pretty sure what made his future mom, Cutehead Danielle B., love him, too! He is also one of the sweetest, most friendly cats... who just happens to be FIV+. Danielle wanted to adopt him before he was tested, and when he tested positive, she didn't hesitate for even one second. FIV kitties are perfect! And Hagrid just might be the most perfect one of all! Cutehead Dawn S. has been fostering him for the past few weeks (and fattening him up so his head matches his body!) and he is going all the way from Pompano Beach, Florida to South Kingston, Rhode Island!
Me petting Hagrid the day before transport. Such a happy boy! |
Sweet, fluffy, beautiful Sunshine. |
Sunshine is a lucky ginger fluffy girl who was found on the side of the road by our fellow rescue friends, Maribel and Kd. They saw her there, scooped her up and instantly fell in love. Sunshine is a true beauty and sweetheart, and they were working very hard to find her the best forever home. And then she tested FeLV+. Feline leukemia isn't like FIV. These kitties will probably live shorter lives and it is contagious through sharing litter and food bowls and stuff. Maribel's heart was broken for Sunshine and what would now make it harder to find a home. Luckily, the good people at Rikki's Refuge in Virginia were kind enough to say Sunshine could go live there! Hurray! She's traveling from Miami to Orange County, Virginia.
Romeo the loverboy. (Yes, that was a booger.) |
Romeo is a little loverboy who was passed up many times at at Broward Animal Control in Pompano, probably because he was black (or maybe because he had a booger in his shelter photo!). He got sick at the shelter and things weren't looking good, but luckily he had people like Maribel looking out for him, and he got healthy again and is now heading for his forever home with our friend Holly in Madison, Ohio!
Sweet momma Kiera from Gaston County, NC. |
Kiera is a super friendly, gorgeous black cat... who is pregnant. She was at Gaston County shelter in Dallas, NC and things weren't looking good for her chances (or her babies!). But again, another miracle happened and the great folks at
Homeless Animal Rescue Team (HART) of Maine said they would take her in! So she is coming from Dallas, NC, sleeping over at Cutehead Desiree B.'s house Saturday night and joining the transport on Sunday to head all the way up to Maine where she'll have her babies in a loving, safe place -- and they'll all get adopted!
Brutus and Marigold
Emily, Brutus and Marigold. |
Brutus and Marigold have had a rough past month. Their mom passed away recently, and that left them and their sister Emily with no one to care for them. They ended up at a shelter in New Jersey. Luckily for these three, their mom had
a blog about them for many years, so many people came to get to know them. They are knows as "The Royals" in the Cat Blogosphere, and many people loved them and immediately set out to make sure they found new forever homes and stayed safe. Within a couple weeks, over $1,000 was raised, a fellow cat blogger friend, Rhonda flew in from Utah to help get the kitties out and take Emily home with her -- and Brutus and Marigold are hopping on our transport and heading to Massachusetts! Right now they are sleeping over at longtime Cutehead Carol K.'s house, and she'll take them with her when she helps drive all the kitties home on Sunday!
Arnold waiting for someone to save him. |
Arnold is a last minute addition to the transport who made it just in time! He is a semi feral that our good rescue friend, Cutehead Donna S., championed to rescue in Virginia. He is now going to Rikki's Refuge in Virginia, where Sunshine is going!
What a great trip!
So cats are coming from Florida, North Carolina, Virginia and New Jersey and heading to Ohio, Virginia, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Maine! That's a heck of an amazing puzzle and we couldn't do it without everyone's help!
I'm going to use the Twitter hashtag
#HagridandFriends to tweet along as the kitties travel and also post updates the whole weekend on the
Cute's Facebook page. Follow along and cheer the kitties and drivers on!
P.S. I hope you all don't mind, but I set up a little chip in to help cover the expenses I paid out of my own pocket for supplies and things to get these kitties on the road. You'd be surprised at how fast it adds up with all these transports we do! It's not raising much, but it would help me a ton.
If you can spare a few dollars, here's the link to the donation page.
Let's cheer these kitties on and get them home!
Special thanks to everyone who shared to find these kitties their homes and drivers and Stacey of Good Karma Pet Rescue (as always), drivers Kd P., Vicki H., Gretchen H., Shirley G., Desiree B., , Karen A., Daniel C., Amanda D., Gary P., Donna S., Keely F., Linda G., Carol K., Barbara T., Kevin H., Barbara N., MaryAnn G. and Sheryl M -- and foster mom, Dawn S. Extra huge thanks to new forever moms, Danielle B., Holly T., Rhonda P. and Laura F.! And big thanks to our rescue friends at HART of Maine, Sue, Margaret and Barbara! Other thanks go to Linda R. for going above and beyond to coordinate The Royals rescue. Amazing, everyone. Just amazing! If I forgot anyone, please know I love you too!
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