Happy Two Cats Tuesday, Cuteheads! Today we have a question for you. I know the answer, but I just found out a couple days ago: Do cats get split ends?
Up until this week, I'd have said no. But Moo, in his usual goofball fashion, has proven me wrong. That boy just doesn't do anything the normal way, I tell you!
I have no idea what it is, but lately his eyelash whiskers have been an absolute mess. A mess! Just look.
What? Just because half of my eyelash whiskers are completely broken off and the other half are dangling all over and split... That doesn't mean I'm messy!Seriously, though. Look at that top one on the left there. It's totally split! They've been breaking off a lot in the past couple days and I can't figure out why.
He does love to headbutt me. When I pick him up, the first thing he does is dive head-first into my neck or cheek and just jam his forehead there repeatedly. Maybe that's it? But that's nothing new...
Or maybe he and Pimp have been playing a little too rough lately? Who knows? But what I do know is that Moo used to have
the most luxurious lashes, and now look at him!
I'll show you seriously... Seriously CUTE!Yes, we'll give him that one. I posted that picture on
Cute's Facebook page about a week ago and it was just too cute to not share here, too. I think it's one of my favorite pictures of Moo!
Speaking of cute, look at my nose! Have you ever seen a cuter thing? Hope you all have a great day! It's 1-11-11, so that must mean it's going to be an extra cute day!