Aug 26, 2010

Cow Cat Stair Stampede!

Well, maybe "stampede" is a little bit of a strong word for it, but there are definitely a lot of cow cats and they are definitely coming down the stairs... most of them anyway. For a couple of them, it's just too much effort and they have to plop down and relax halfway.

Be sure to watch all the way to the end -- they really get to scurrying when someone calls them!

P.S. Just a little note about these cats. There are SO many of them, right? That's my first thought, too. But they all look so healthy and happy, and the house looks so clean and spotless. These is Cute's favorite cow-cat herd (they've been featured a few times before!), and you can just tell they're all really loved. :) Happy kitties = happy Cute!


  1. I think Harley wants to join the herd! The one that got caught up in the stampede at the end was funny.

    ps: It's interesting how many of them seem to have shorter than average tails; maybe they are all related?

  2. That looks just like my cats when a stranger comes. It is a stampede then. They all do look really healthy. They heard that guy's voice and they were out of there. Too funny.

  3. i love it at the end when one guy falls off the side in an effort to race up the stairs! there are so many of them and they have such great markings! how do they keep the STAIRS SO CLEAN?! I am jealous!LOL

  4. The publicist had 17 cats once so she knows...

  5. You know us cat lovers are a real weird bunch. Is this really what my life has come to? Watching videos of strangers cats go up and down stairs?

  6. Yes... and we love every second of it. :)

  7. Now that is one heard I wouldn't mind being in the middle of! CatLadyDiary comment is hilarious! Indeed ~ what we find enjoyment in ~ haha! And yes ~ how the heck do those stairs stay so clean! I always have cat fur dust bunnies on my stairs ~ and I only one cat! What the heck?

    Love it!
    xo Catherine

  8. ummmm.... herd... not heard... geesh!

  9. OMC - I've never seen so many "cow cats" in one place. he he - dat is too funny.

  10. cute and I thought I was bad cause I have NINE cats, lol

  11. so Adorable!..I wish I was at the bottom of the stairs receiving all these beautiful bundle of furballs!!..Meoowss

  12. i feel bad for the one wot fell off da side at da end. poor kitteh gotted laffed at.

  13. That looks just like my cats when a stranger comes. It is a stampede then. They all do look really healthy. They heard that guy's voice and they were out of there. Too funny.

  14. Does anybody know if these cats and their humans are safe and not impacted by that horrible earthquake and Tsunami??????

  15. Oh, my goodness. I hope so! I'll try and see if I can find anything...

  16. YES!!!! They are! This is a message I just saw on their YouTube channel: Thank you for your concern.
    I live in Osaka where is apart from disaster area,so my family is all right,also my cats too! I greatly appreciate your kindness!

    Oh, phew. Gosh, this is all so horrible. Glad they are safe! :)

  17. Someone got that gate down, you can tell they are hestitant to come downstairs! SSSOOOOOOO CUTE

  18. I didn't think that one cat would make a stampede, then I saw the others.


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