Happy Two Cats Tuesday, Cuteheads!
It's a good thing Pimp doesn't have any say over what I post on the Cute, because I'm not sure he'd like me sharing his pooch. But, that said, it's to freakin' cute not to share!
Mooooooom... Quit showing them my brown belleh! I'm GRAY.Next up is Moo. A few Two Cats Tuesdays ago,
@BabyPatches momma mentioned that she'd never seen
the side of Moo that was in those pictures.
Really, I thought? That can't be, can it? All those pictures and only one side I've shown? We'll have to fix that!
So, without further ado...
The Many Sides of Moo!
Front Moo.
Side Moo.
Side Moo, too.
Tush Moo.
Aerial Moo.
Belly Moo.I think that's all the sides... Let me know if I missed any and I'll run after him with the camera some more!
Have a great day!
Love, Cute, Pimp and Moo