Sitting up tall on his butt, watching so intently... Every now and then something will happen on the screen and kitty just gets so perplexed. He tilts his head, leans forwards, sometimes jumps a little, adjusts his sitting position -- it's so funny to watch as the drama unfolds!
To be fair, I don't really get the whole Star Wars thing either, so I can totally see why this cat is so confused!
Visa the kitten is just two months old, but he's already the tough one out of this dynamic duo. Spike is a sweet pit bull who loves to play fight with him -- with love, of course.
The person who made this video said countless cups and plates were broken during filming. I believe it -- and that it was probably the kitten who did it!
Keep an eye out for right around 1:18 and 1:27 when the kitty comes down the hallway...
Thanks to Cute's friend, Melissa, for sharing this cute pitbull vs. kitten video with us!
Well, actually, mama cat tries her very best to rescue her baby from this tree. But the baby is a hard-headed determined little kitten who will not be told to come down. She will come down on her own, thankyouverymuch!
I am imagining mama is yelling at her like, "Young lady, you get down here right this minute!"
Loews cats update: Six cats trapped so far. One was trapped yesterday and apparently left in the trap for hours, howling in the hot sun. I'm going to do my best to keep the Cute a happy place, so please follow the Save Loews Cats Facebook page for the latest info on this horrible situation and show your support. I'm doing my best to make a difference, and it's getting increasingly frustrating when it seems it's not. :(
I can't think of a softer pillow than a kitty, and it looks like this baby chick can't either. He snuggled up in Oscar the cat's fuzzy neck and just got so comfy that he drifted off to sleep.
Sweet dreams, little chicky. I wish I was small enough to sleep on my cats like that. Every time I try and use one as a pillow they just get aggravated and leave. ;)
NOTE FROM CUTE: Thanks for all the support on the Save Loews Cats Facebook page, everyone! Keep it coming. We're drumming up some local media attention, and hopefully that will lead to national news. Please keep posting comments on that Facebook page to let them know we are NOT OK with them trapping the cats as inhumanely like they are and giving up on their TNR program. We want the media to see all the comments!
Happy Two Cats Tuesday, Cuteheads! Pimp has put his best foot forward for today's post. Thing is, we're just not sure which foot that is...
This is my front foot. It is the best one.
But wait! This is my back foot. It is my other best foot.
Which one do you think is the best one?
P.S. Today Pimp is going for his follow-up visit to the V-E-T for his follow-up visit to retest his thyroid levels. All paws crossed that he scored good on his test!
You may have seen most of these movies, but you've never seen them quite like this. I bet you didn't know it was really cats that played major roles in them!
From Casablanca to Harry Potter, Anchorman and Scarface, there is no movie that can't be made better with cats!
NOTE FROM CUTE: Pimp has his follow-up appointment tomorrow to get his thyroid levels retested. Can you believe it's been four weeks already that he's been on the Hill's y/d food? All fingers and paws crossed that he's doing better. I'll update on Wednesday's post.
Thanks to Cute's Facebook friend, Heidi, for sharing this cat movie scenes video!
The locals, a herd of six deer and the neighborhood cat, meet for the first time. As the deer come strolling single-file down the hill, they see something fuzzy sitting in the bushes... and stop.
What is this little guy? He seems harmless. Perhaps we should sniff him out!
So, slowly and timidly, they approach. Kitty is unsure, and changes his mind from wanting to meet them to hiding, to wanting to meet them, then hiding again.
I keep waiting for them to boop noses. Either way, animals are beautiful, aren't they? I think these deer just wanted to make friends!