Jan 26, 2013

Kitten vs. Remote Control Dog Toy (and a Big Cat)

Nikita is a brave and tough tiny kitten who isn't afraid of any moving, barking dog toy! Her crab walk is no match for that thing. Right? Um... right?

Well, if that thing gets the better of her, then no way she's going to let the big cat brother of hers, Bobo, boss her around. Right? Right? Um...

Well, she acts tough anyway. ;)

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Jan 25, 2013

Cat Spiral Waltzes Up the Stairs

Catching your tail is a huge accomplishment for a cat, so when this kitty finally grabs hers in her mouth, she's not letting go for anything... Which means she has to walk in circles to get anywhere.

Even up the stairs.

It's surprisingly graceful and elegant, really. And she gets to keep her prize catch!

Thanks to Cutehead Christy B. for sharing this cat waltzing up the stairs video with us!

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Jan 24, 2013

Silly Cow-Kitten Attacks Big Brother Black Cat

Little kittens never let their little size get in the way of their big brave moves. Plus, it always seems like cow-cats are a little extra crazy, doesn't it?

And just when you think the big guy makes his move and might actually have won...

BONUS CUTE: Watch another little cow kitten go nuts on a big cat.

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Jan 23, 2013

Kitten Relaxing With a Bunch of Baby Chicks

Oh, you know... Just chillin' and relaxin' surrounded by a bunch of chicks. It's a rough life, but some boy's gotta do it, right?

Maybe the baby chicks are just all fuzzy and comfy, because this ginger kitten is super cuddled up with a ton of them. Clearly, he's quite the chick magnet!

NOTE FROM CUTE: Guess what? We have another huge transport coming up! I have talked a little bit on the Facebook page and maybe here, but it's getting close! Nine cats and kittens have been busted out of animal control and are headed up to Illinois in a few weeks!

I'll be putting up an all-call for driver volunteers soon with the route we'll take, but if you want to sign up in advance to help out with transports (this one or a future one!), please fill out this quick form. The kitties and I (and their future forever families!) thank you!

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Jan 22, 2013

Two Cats Tuesday: Moo Got a New Bag!

Happy Two Cats Tuesday, Cuteheads! Today Moo is hiding. But if he wasn't hiding, he'd want to show you his new bag.

See? You can't see Moo...

...because he is very stealth hiding in his new bag.

Nope, can't see him from this angle either.

All in all, a great new bag! 
Too bad Moo was hiding for this whole post. Obviously we can't see him, right? You guys really should see him in there -- it's pretty cute.

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Jan 21, 2013

Laundry-Catching Cat "Helps" With the Laundry

Putting laundry in the hamper would be so much more fun if everyone had a laundry-catching cat like this one!

Throw the laundry at the hamper, and this kitty jumps way up in the air and slam dunks himself (and the clothes!) into the basket. Tada! Laundry sorting made fun!

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Jan 20, 2013

Hidden Camera Proves Cats Can Open Doors

Cats are smart. We cat people know that and have always known it, but some people need a hidden camera to prove it.

Of course this cat can open the door. He watches his humans use the door knob day after day!

(Note from Cute: You only have to watch the first 30 seconds really. I've never seen a longer "Hey watch the rest of our videos" plea that in this video. You'll see!)

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