Black cats are all the rage, and if you don't have one, you better go out and grab one quick before they run out. Act fast! All the cool people have them...

Man, I wish this were true.
Black cats are beautiful, amazing, gorgeous creatures. I have to admit I have a soft spot for them because of
Daddy Meow (One of the best cats ever, and I miss him every day.), and so it breaks my heart that they have such a hard time finding homes.
They're often overlooked at shelters just because they're black. Black is boring, people think. Black has no personality and is creepy. They all look the same...
No! No! No!Look at a black cat's
eyes -- they way they're shaped, the expression, the feeling, the difference in color.
Now look at their
nose -- such cute shapes! Some hearts, some triangles, some little button-noses.
Now look at their
fur -- long, short, medium, soft, fluffy, maybe a little wiry. No way these cats are the same!
Now look at their
personality -- this, my friends, is where they can excel. Notice how loving they are. Notice how loud they purr. Take the time to see that they are full of life, full of fun and full of cute. Don't just glance over to the next cat because they don't have cute markings or silly stripes...
Today, I want you to meet Knight. All of the pictures in this post are of him. I met him at Cats Exclusive and instantly fell in love with him. There are tons of cats there, but he stood out immediately and made his case for being the cutest. He jumped in my lap, curled up his little ebony paws and purred up a thunderous little storm.
And yet, he's been there for over a year and hasn't found a home yet. He was brought to
Cats Exclusive with his mom and three brothers. They were found in a South Florida mall parking lot.
His brothers (two looked like Maine coons and one was a long-haired black boy) all found homes fairly quickly, but Knight -- with his average black-cat looks and regular, uninteresting short hair -- was left behind. (His mom is there still, as well, but she's not so much of a people person. Content to keep to herself and happy to be safe, though.)

Why is he still not adopted?! This cat is easily one of the cuddliest cats there. He deserves a home and he would make anyone the BEST companion. You want a lap cat? Knight is a lap cat! You want a loving cat? Knight is a loving cat! You want a beautiful cat? Knight is your cat in shining fur!
Knight just turned one last week --
let's give him the best birthday present ever... A HOME.
He gets along with other cats, has a calm personality and is immediately friendly to new people. He's a little camera shy, but that's OK. Trust me, he's not shy about showing you affection. :)
Please, let's not let him live out his life without a real family. He's well-cared for at Cats Exclusive, believe me, but it's not the same. He wants a house, a couch, a human's bed, a basket full of toys and a closet full of treats.
And let me sweeten the deal: Adopt Knight and
I'll reimburse you for the adoption fee myself. Once you take him home and make sure it all works out (maybe after a month or so), I'll give send you over a check, signed and sealed with love from Cute! I'll And maybe I'll even send some mousies and catnip toys on his birthday and during the holidays. I spoil my favorite cats... and right now, he's one of them.
Here is
Knight's Petfinder page for all the info you need.
Let's Be the Change for Pets by making all the difference in the world for Knight. One pet at a time...
Note from Cute: All of Knight's photos today -- and the beautiful pictures in the days to come -- were taken by my amazing photographer friend, Stephanie, from Sonju Photography. She is a cat person like me (only maybe a little less crazy, hehe), and volunteered her time, her camera and her love to help get these gorgeous photos to help get some less adoptable cats a home! THANK YOU!
UPDATE! Am realizing I never updated this post. Knight finally got his forever home! Finally! Am amazing couple walked into Cats Exclusive a few months ago and asked about which cats were having a hard time getting adopted. They had just lost their black cat and were ready for another. They LOVED Knight, but he looked just like the one they just said goodbye to, so it would have been too hard for them. They ended up adopting another black cat who had been there for a long time, Boo Boo. Boo Boo came to Cats Exclusive with severe injuries to his tail and it had to be removed -- he is happy and perfect, if not shy, otherwise. Yay, Boo Boo!
But then... they realized they loved Knight, and decided to foster him until he found a home so that he could live in a home and not a cage. See? I told you. GREAT people! And then one thing lead to another and... FOSTER FAILURE. :) The best way to fail. And so Knight now has a forever home with a forever brother.
I love a happy ending.