Daddy Meow, as many of you know, was one of two parking lot kitties (The Meows!) that I have loved, fed, cared for and considered a part of my family for almost three years now. To call Daddy and his best friend, Little Meow, parking lot kitties is a huge understatement. I was their mommy -- they knew it, I knew it, and so did everyone else in entire office park.
I am still Little Meow's mommy. But yesterday, I did the hardest thing a mommy could ever have to do for Daddy... I had to say goodbye.
Daddy was one of the sweetest cats you'll ever meet. He lived outside, but you could hardly call him feral. He came when I called him (and if that didn't work, a jingle of my keys would do the trick; he knew the sound of my keys from everyone else's), he had breakfast, lunch and dinner every day, I would visit on weekends, let him get in my car with the heater on on cold days and even bring him turkey on Thanksgiving.
Daddy liked to be petted on the top of his head, but he'd sometimes get a little skittish and I'd have to reach my hand out long and lean in slowly to pet him -- and then he was all love. He loved to rub on my legs, and when I crouch down to pet him, he would just go in circles around me, rubbing my thighs, my hips, my hands, my arms... whatever was closest.
Sometimes (a lot of times, actually), Daddy would rather be petted than eat. I would find myself walking over to the food and petting him there so he'd see it and go eat some. He loved to love, and I loved to love him.
Here is a video of him doing just that... There is a pile of his favorite food, but he'd rather me love him. Love at what a gorgeous cat Daddy was! (This video is before Little Meow had her kittens and I got her spayed.)
Daddy's favorite food in the whole wide world was Friskies Seafood Sensations dry food. It trumped even Fancy Feast! What a crazy cat, huh? And when it came to canned food, his favorite was Friskies Tuna and Egg. Mmmm... the gravy in that was especially delicious apparently.
He spent his day sleeping either under my car or on my convertible top. I like to call it their hammock. I could look down from the kitchen in my office and see him and Little Meow on my car, and just love knowing they were there and happy and comfortably stretched out on their safe place. My parking space was his home.
Sometimes when I'd get to work or come on the weekends, Daddy wouldn't be right there waiting. But I knew the other spots in the parking lot he hung out at, so me and Little Meow (she is almost always there waiting!) would walk around the parking lot together, Little Meow prancing right next to me at my ankles and me jingling my keys and yelling out "Daaaaaaadddddddyyyyyy..." until he popped out of his favorite bushes.
Then the three of us would walk over to my car for the regular buffet of their favorites that I keep in my trunk. I always thought it was funny that I'd be walking around a parking lot just yelling for my Daddy. :)
And he loved his water. I always made sure that I stuck around long enough for him to finish eating so he could have his water before any other parking lot critters (we have raccoons and ducks) came over and dumped it being greedy. Food first, then water. He had his routine and it broke my heart if some stupid bird knocked over his water bowl before he had a chance to get to it and I had no more water with me to refill it.
Daddy was a gentle, sweet cat. He hardly ever meowed, and if he did it was soft and delicate. He would just look at me with his big, beautiful green eyes and I could see the love there. He didn't have to tell me; he showed me. I always loved the way he'd look up at me like that while I pet him.
Yesterday morning, I dropped Daddy off at the vet. I had noticed he was losing a lot of weight, and after trying to stuff him and not succeeding in fattening him up, me and a good friend who feeds some other cats in the office park decided we should get him checked out.
I was hoping for worms or, at worst, some mildly major thing that we might not be able to treat but that he'd be able to come back to the parking lot to live out his life with Little Meow, on my car and with my love. But it didn't happen that way.
The vet called around lunchtime with the heartbreaking diagnosis: Daddy had a huge mass in his abdomen the size of a baseball. Cancer. And it was bad. He recommended euthanasia.
My heart shattered.
I wanted him to come back home. He was just purring and loving on me the day before! Now this? I asked 100 questions -- Was he in pain? How long would he live? Would he suffer? Has he been suffering?

So we went right to the vet, said goodbye to one of the best cats I'll ever know and petted him and kissed him when the time came.
He is at peace now, and so am I, but it still hurts. Like Dana of The Creek Cats said, there is a huge Daddy-Meow-sized chunk missing out of my heart.
I loved that guy and I'm going to miss him probably more than I can imagine. We are having him cremated and I'm going to spread his ashes in his favorite bushes by my parking space. It's where he belongs... back home with Little Meow.
Thanks for letting me share him with you. I'm so thankful he shared himself with me.
That is a very difficult decision to make, but you did make the right one, for he is at peace now and he crossed over, not in pain, alone, and under a bush, but in the presence of someone he loved and cared about. You were both blessed to have each other and each of your lives were brighter for the time you had.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing Daddy's story. Even though he has crossed over, his memory and life, will forever now be a part of ours.
It was so wonderfur for you to shares wif us about Daddy Meow! I knows he knew you loved him very much and was there for him. Sending you many Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs
ReplyDeleteBP's momma here, you have Daddy Meow in your heart and will always love him. I know it hurts not having him with you now, just take comfort in all you did for him and all the love you showed him! HUGS to you!
You gave him so much joy and comfort, we're so sorry you've lost such a special boy. Fly high sweet one.
ReplyDeleteYou made Daddy so happy with so much love, what a lucky kitty who felt love and care all the way through his hardest times. I know you'll miss him, he was a sweet one for sure (I almost got to pet him once :) but he'll be in your heart and that won't go away. *hugs*
ReplyDeleteThis post is amazing. Daddy Meow gives "parking lot kitties" everywhere a good name.
ReplyDeleteYou were a blessing to him, and he was to you. You and Little Meow hang in there!
Oh dear, Mom's eyes are just full of water. How sad but we think you did make the right decision. He sounds like he had a terrific life and you were wonderful to take such good care of him and Little Meow. Poor Little Meow must be very lonely. Anyway Daddy cat was a very lucky cat to have you taking care of him. We are sending lots of purrs and hugs to you Dorian.
ReplyDeleteLove to you for taking care of Daddy Meow - you are a very good kitty momma. Any kitty would be lucky to have you as a friend.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry. I teared up a little as I read this. Daddy Meow was lucky to have a person like you to care for him, feed him, and take care of him, Little Meow, and the kittens. I'm sure he's looking back from the other side of the Bridge thanking for your love, concern, and compassion.
ReplyDeleteHow's Little Meow doing? She must be awfully lonely and wondering what happened to Daddy Meow.
*sniffle* *wipes away a tear*
We are so very sorry for your loss. It's so hard making dat final decision, but you did the kindest act possible for him - making sure he didn't have pain and would suffer. You made him very happy when he was with you. Bless you for taking care of the "parking lot" kitties. He'll love you forever.
ReplyDeleteI started to cry as I read your post. Bless you for taking care of Daddy Meow and Little Meow. Hope Little Meow isn't too lonely without her best friend....
ReplyDeletedorian, as you know, i too, along with kelly, and Little Meow (aka - Addie) all share your grief and heartache in the loss of Daddy Meow (aka - Twin). i was his mommy too for the last 10+ years and am so thankful that he brought us together as friends and let us share his love. i know we will all miss him terribly and i just thank God that i got to see him one last time before he crossed over to the rainbow bridge.
ReplyDeletelove, marsha
Bless your heart for taking such good care of Daddy over the years and helping him to the bridge. The life if a "feral" cat is hard. Without you his life would likely have been much shorter and difficult. You helped him have a good life and he will be waiting for you at the bridge someday full of appreciation.
ReplyDeleteTy and Family (puppy on a roomba)
A special blessing for you.
ReplyDeleteOh wow! Our eyes are leaking...'specially mom's. We are so sorry that Daddy Meow had to go to the Bridge. At least during his time here he knew love. It is wonderful that you took care of him over the years.
ReplyDeleteWe send you comforting purrs to help you through this sad time...
And we hope Little Meow is okay...
I'm so sad for you, and I'm sending you lots of purrs. But you know you did the best you could for Daddy Meow, and you gave him a quality of life that most street (or parking lot) cats don't get to have.
ReplyDeleteIf you are lucky enough to have had a special kitty in your life, then you know there is a place called Cat Heaven. Daddy Meow was the king of the parking lot! Lucky, lucky Daddy to have had you!
ReplyDeleteWe can't quit crying with you, weepy wet the whiskers are. No doubt he loved you as much as you loved him. I send you the best purrs I can muster and we are thinking of you.
ReplyDeleteDorian, I am reading tnis on an airplane and tears are pouring down my face. I wonder what the woman next to me is thinking. You are such a kind soul and that was an amazing post. I cannot imagine how hard it was for you to hear the news, to be with him in his final moments and to write this touching, lovely tribute of a post. Daddy was lucky to have someone who loved and cared for him so much. My hugs and thoughts from NYC. T
ReplyDeleteWe are so happy that you and Daddy meow had each other; so sad that you had to say goodbye. *Brew Hug* *BZTAT Hug*
ReplyDeleteBZTAT and the Brew
My heart goes out to you-- Daddy would be the first one to tell you -- "Thank you for all the love you gave me and Little Meow, and when it was time for me to go -- you made it SO MUCH easier for me to leave this world, and I left this world with your LOVE in my heart!" All street kitties should be so lucky soto be so loved and looked after. Jingle your keys -- his spirit is still there waiting for you to acknowledge him. Rest in Peace Daddy Meow -- and I thank YOU for all your did for him.
ReplyDeleteAce, I truly love this:
ReplyDelete"Jingle your keys -- his spirit is still there waiting for you to acknowledge him."
I am going to think of him every time I do now. Thank you so much for thinking of such a special way for me to keep him with me.
And everyone: Thank you so much for all the kind words and thoughts. I want to thank each one of you individually, and I hope I find the strength and words to do that in the next few days. In the meantime, all of the support is so comforting. I get to think of him every time a new comment pops up, and it's made my day that much better.
ReplyDeleteI am so so sorry for the loss of Daddy Meow - ie is so good that he knew he and Little Meow were both loved. It is so wonderful that you showed him that.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry for your loss. But I'm so glad you and Daddy Meow had one another, so he could give you love and you could not only give him love, but see to his needs as well.
ReplyDeleteMy eyes are teary, as anyone's would be if we've stood in your shoes and had only the Final Act of Mercy left to offer. Bless you and your other cats, both the indoor ones and Little Meow.
so sad, he looks just like my kitty spooky !! you did the right thing although it is heartbreaking.. RIP daddy kitty !! he will be missed by many thanks to you sharing your story !! take care of the little one..
ReplyDeleteI am soooo sorry for your loss. I'm crying as I type this, but I know he is in a better place, and the love you gave to him will be always in his heart as well as your's. God bless you; you are a special person.♥♥♥
ReplyDeleteGod Bless you for taking care of him and the other kitty too !...the Lord holds you dear to him.
ReplyDeleteRest in peace Daddy. The world will miss your gentle touch big boy.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing sweet Daddy with us, and for giving him & Little Meow your love. Big hugs and head rubs to you guys.
All I can do is add to the good thoughts here. Kol ha-kavod (all honor and respect) for being such a caring, loving person. G-d bless you, and know that you made a difference not just in the lives of cats (although that's pretty important all by itself), but to everyone whose hearts you've touched here.
ReplyDeleteBless your heart for giving this boy such a happy, love filled life. ♥
ReplyDeleteI am sorry for your profound loss....
Soar high, Daddy. heaven is now brighter with your love.
I am so sorry to hear this! You did the only thing you could do and Daddy Meow is waiting for you and Little Meow on the other side. Bless you for the devotion you've given to the Meows!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful story.
ReplyDeleteI am heart broken about Daddy, you must be devastated. I also know that all the love you gave to him he gave back 10 times, and you will continue to be a great "parking lot mom" to all those who need you.
ReplyDeleteCrying Kitty tears for you. What a wonderful, heartfelt story. XXOO
ReplyDeleteOh no! I am so sorry for your loss!! How devastating. We have all been there and I know how your heart aches.
ReplyDeleteYou were so good to those kitties and you gave him the best life possible. He will be your angel kitty now, helping you to help the other kitties in your life.
What is gonna happen to the other kitty? Can she make it on her own?
Oh I'm so sorry for your loss. What a sweet story of Daddy and how you each made each other's lives so much better. I know it was a hard decision to let him cross the bridge but it was the right thing to do since you knew he is no longer in pain and the last moments of him being here were filled with your love. My heart goes out to you and I'm sending you a huge hug!
ReplyDeleteI missed this yesterday and I am sorry. I know how hard it is. I took care of so many "not so feral" cats that my husband swears I paid for the vet's new building. You love them no matter what. But you did do the best thing for him Remember that. Without you he would have died alone and in pain. You gave him love and peace. What more could any of us ask.
ReplyDeleteYou are an incredible person! What a beautiful story! It brought me to tears! The love you have in your heart for these beautiful creatures,to do what you did. The world needs more people like you! God bless you & the meows.
ReplyDeleteThank you all for your kind words. I was with Dorian and Daddy Meow (I knew him as
ReplyDeleteTwin) when he left this world. I have never done anything that was so hard but yet the right thing to do. I love you Twin.
Thank you for taking such good care of Daddy Meow. You made his life good. Rest in Peace beautiful Daddy Meow.
We are so sorry to hear this! But we're very glad Daddy Meow had you looking out for him - we hope you know that you made his life much better!
ReplyDeleteSending you (((hugs))) and purrs -
Katie and the Mishkat cats
Wow,this moved me. There are truely few people in this world who would even acknowledge "stray" cats in a parking lot. In fact, most people are the reason these amazing creatures end up living in sad places like this to begin with. I would even go so far as to say most people would go out of their way to be unkind or even harm a poor stray. I have seen it happen. I just adopted and paid the vet bills on yet another unwanted kitty dumped on my land a few weeks ago. For you not only feed and care for but love these guys is so heart warming to an animal lover like me. There are not enough people in the world like us and you have made me smile. Thank you for loving him, its what meant the most to him in this world, believe me.
ReplyDeleteYou are truly the most wonderful cat mom in the world Dorian!
ReplyDeleteI feel your sorrow and I know the joy of a cat like Daddy. You were blessed to find each other. My two Daddy's do the exact same thing and they even look like him... going to care for them now and will remember Daddy while doing so.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Cindy. Daddy will always be one of the best cats ever to me. I am so glad to have had him in my life!
ReplyDeleteSmooches and hugs to your two Daddies. :)
This is the most amazing and moving story about a little kitty that I ever read. I'm not ashamed to say that I started crying - as if my wonderful - also black - Smoky had gone over the bridge herself. I see tha Daddy left you many months ago - by reposting his story proves me, what a wonderful person you are and that he won't be forgotten by you. Thanks - this sad story is my christmas present! God bless you and your parking lot kitties.
ReplyDeleteAw, thanks so much. There's now way I'll ever forget Daddy. Getting to know him and love him was a great gift that I'll always treasure. I still get teary-eyed when I reread this post, but I'm so glad that I wrote it. Sometimes you forget some of the little things over time, so I love that I can look back, read and remember.
ReplyDeleteHugs to your Smoky. And Merry Christmas to all of you!
I am so sorry for your loss and the loss Little Meow must feel. Hopefully LM will feel Daddy's presence at the bush...it is a hard thing. Had to do the same with my pet dog three years ago...you never forget; it always stays with you. Let that love flow onto another kitteh who needs you; I know you will...you are simply that way. Prayers.
ReplyDeleteoh this is so heartbreaking. we had to put our cat down in october ;2011. i know what you mean about being heartbroken,i never dreamed that we would get so attached to her. we cried all week-end. there will never be a cat as good as she was. she had a special personality. ''daddy'' was a beautiful cat.sorry for your loss. we adopted a stray that walked right in our house 2 days after ''bee-bee's'' died. she is a tabby also and so lovable. took her to the vet and they said she is healthy. has been fixed. got her shots.best wishes to you in all you do for the stray kitties..
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry for your loss. I have had and lost many kitties over the years. I still miss my friends that have gone over the bridge.
ReplyDeleteSo saddened by your loss - I also have had and lost many kitties over the last 40 years. I still remember and miss each one and am glad I will see them when I visit the Rainbow Bridge. Maybe all the animal people will get to hold and pet them each day - I'd really love that.....
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry! you did the right thing - never doubt that.
ReplyDeleteAnd when you miss him so much that you can't stop crying, remember that he is at the bridge waiting for you (he'll be patient!) and he'll be whole and pain-free when you see him.
This story is just to touching for words. RIP Daddy Meow
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing him with us! *tears*
ReplyDeleteWe all have a euthanasia story, I'm sure, but each one is special and heartbreaking. I wish you peace and acceptance and understanding, and you know that he's at the bridge waiting for you, of course.
You had good time with him! You were blessed.
I love your title - "The Bridge Just Got A Whole Lot Cuter"! I'm going to remember that and use it, if that's okay.
Just cleaning out some drawers and came across the ceramic mold we had made of Daddy's paw print. Looking at it, I remember exactly the shape of his foot and how it looked. I also have a little bit of his fur that I didn't really want at the time, but now I can't bring myself to throw it away and I find comfort in it.
ReplyDeleteI just had to come back to read this post again. I'm so glad I have it look back on and remember him. Who knew a cat in a parking lot could leave such a chunk missing from my heart? <3 Daddy Meow. I can't believe it's been almost three years.
So sad, and told beautifully with real compassion;take consolation that you did the right thing by helping him at the end, no lingering or painful death. It is scary that we love animals so much, and it is true that some leave a bigger hole in our hearts when they go, you clearly had a deep connection with this cat, I know what it's like, I also have a special feral boy waiting for me at the end of the rainbow, I just know that if there is place where we all meet again, I just know that little black scaramouche will be running as fast as he can and calling me to him, ... just as he did in life when he heard my car pull up, I still miss him 4 years on, I can still see him in my minds eye, and I still cry when i think about him, even though I do have another lovely cat.