Jun 12, 2010

One Minute of Kittens Being Cute

There is nothing like a pile of teeny, adorable kittens to brighten your day. So here's one minute of pure, uninterrupted cuteness... Enjoy!

Note from Cute: I know the still screen of this video is a weird joker, but trust me -- it's cute kitties. Click play! :)

Also, I want to say a sincere thank you to everyone who left me such kind words on my post about Daddy Meow going to the Bridge. Yesterday was a little bit easier with all your nice comments coming in all day. I can't even begin to explain how I felt reading each one. I am so lucky to have such an incredible set of friends who truly understand. Thank you all, again, for being so special.


  1. Those kitties are so cute. Thanks for the smile this morning. Looks like they have just opened their eyes.
    Again, lots of purrs coming your way about Daddy Meow. Take care and have a good week end.

  2. Mom is in love with the little red one in the front who was sucking his thumb!!

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  3. Heh. That one in the middle already has the *paw bump* down!

    *Brew Hug* Still sendin' purrs fur yer loss.

    The Brew

  4. Aww those kittens are adorable. M says she wants all of dem. HUGS for you.

  5. This is a great transition from the Rainbow Bridge to new little mews. Big hugs & cuddle pile from Mac & Fuz & Momster

  6. I totally want that orange stripey in the front who is sucking his thumb in the beginning. Awwwwww!

  7. Awww. And then they start climbing the curtains.

  8. Heck yes you can use our video!! I'm super honored! :) Do you need the embed code or YouTube link?

  9. The paw action on the big orange kitteh in the front is so fabulous!


You know what would be really cute? If you left a comment... :)

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