Happy Two Cats Tuesday, Cuteheads! Today is a big day over here. Moo would like to officially announce his candidacy for president!
That's right...
Moo for president! It was only a matter of time before we had our first cat president, and that time is now.
He even has a website:

You would vote for me, right?
Moo will be campaigning and he hopes to have all of your support!
He is running as part of the Cute Party, which I'm sure you are all proud members of. (You are, right?!)
We'll soon have badges you can add to your blogs, stickers, buttons, yard signs (OK, maybe not yard signs... but maybe!) and Moo will no doubt be making some statements and discussing the things he wants to accomplish as president (unlimited treats, TNR support, more boxes to sleep in, etc.).
In the meantime, you can "Like" his
Moo for President Facebook page and follow him at
@MooForPresident on Twitter!
Think this is a little crazy? We don't!
Our cats rule over us anyway, so why not let them rule the country? It's only the next obvious step.
Here's a short statement from Moo:
"Oh, hi. My name is Moo and I'm running for President. My brother, Pimp, is going to be my running mate and together we plan to take over the world! (Oops, I mean, we plan to make this country -- and the world -- a much cuter place.) We're convinced that cute is the cure for all the mess out there lately. I hope you'll support me!"We're super excited about Moo doing this, and have lots of fun and exciting things planned!