Happy Two Cats Tuesday, Cuteheads!
Today we're all feeling a little lazy, so I figured I'd show you how The Boys do "lazy."
Moo MUST be upside down at all times. Well, maybe not at all times, but at least 93% of the time. It is so cute, it kills me.
I'm proud of my belleh and I like to show it off!
You can never have enough Moo belly as far as I'm concerned...Pimp, on the other hand, is not really one for the upside-down laziness. When he's really, really comfortable and super relaxed, his little paws are always out in front of him.
Either he does
the outstretched paw, or this fancy advanced move...
the double paw curl. Kittens, don't try this at home.
This sleeping position is guaranteed to earn you TREATS as soon as you wake up!Have a great day, everyone!