May 20, 2010

Doggie Sets the Table for Dinner

If you want noms, you have to have something to put the noms in... Edie the border collie knows this, and she's more than willing to help out if it means food's coming!

OK, so she doesn't technically have a table she's setting, but she is setting up her bowls for dinner! Doggies don't eat at the table anyway, do they? Do they? (I bet some do!)


  1. they don't eat at the table?!

  2. We think kitties should eat at the table too. And they should eat prawns at the table... yeah... that's the plan...

  3. Now dat's what I call a well-trianed, helpful doggie. Wonder if he cooks too!

  4. Pawsome! I wishes I could gets my bowl to tells momma when I want to eat MOL hehehe

  5. Border collies are so very smart. We have one here and she is very smart. Good dog.
    Have a great day.

  6. You gotta keep those bordie collies busy or they get into trouble. THey are too smart for their own good!! I wonder if I can train my kids to do that??

  7. So cute!! I don't eat at the table, but I do eat on the kitchen counter!!


  8. your a smart poochie! but i do have my own chair and spot at the prep table. i'm a lucky cat.. dine on good human food! chippers are good too! YUM!


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