May 22, 2010

There's a Cat in the Phone!

Toby's mom has a very cool ring tone. When her cell phone rings, it meows! So, of course, sweet Toby has made friends with the phone and meows back.

Makes me want to change my ring tone to meowing and see what happens!


  1. My dogs just went INSANE. Works on dogs too ;)

  2. Toby's trying to rescue the "kitten" but he can't find it. :(

  3. That is the best thing I have seen in a long time. I love how the kitty meowing back at the phone. Now I have to figure out how to that that. That really terrific.
    Have a great week end.

  4. So cute. Just love those cat videos.

  5. Mac & Fuz go crazy whenever I play a video with a cat meowing; they try to find the cat in the speakers! Very cute.

  6. That is so good! I will be that one can send text messages too!

  7. That is adorable! That got my attention!!!!

  8. That was funny! Toby talked to the phone - and I talked to Toby! Well, actually I talked to my human. I said, "You aren't gonna let Toby and the Phone kitty live here, are you?"

  9. omg i love this! I think my cats wouldn't respond as cute-ly (if that's a word! tehe!). i love when Toby flips upside down near the if TOby decides the phone kitty is friendly and wants to be friends~!


You know what would be really cute? If you left a comment... :)

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