Sure, there's been a ton of snow around in the past week, but there's no use in getting cranky and complaining about it, right? Instead, do what Kevin the Yorkie did...
He put on his little red sweater and had the best time going for a little romp in the park! He looks like a little bunny hopping around like that, doesn't he?
And he seems to have a little static snow cling on his furs... Fun!
Can you believe 2010 is almost over? We can't either! And we also can't think of a better way celebrate this great year than highlighting the Top 10 Cute posts of 2010!
There's been a whole lot of cuteness in the past year (363 of them so far, to be exact!), so I couldn't wait to find out which ones you all liked and shared the most. Some of the winners might surprise you -- Can you believe the surprised kitten didn't make the list?! -- but I love each one of them!
#10: Kitty Cats Playing Patty Cake Well, this one's no shocker. What might be shocking is that it's not higher on the list! We'll chalk it up to it being a fairly new video, and a pretty recent post!
Unfortunately, the video owner disabled embedding since we put it up, but you can view it here. Good thing is, someone came up with a translated version...
#9: Best Adoption Video Ever! (Must Watch!) The Nevada Humane Society made a video like the "Wedding Dance" video to celebrate the adoption of a very lucky doggie named Cooper -- and it was brilliant! Getting adopted is just as big a day as getting married. I still get teary-eyed watching this one!
#8: Two Cats Tuesday: The Sweetest Faces You Ever Did See This was a very special edition of Two Cats Tuesday where we featured Lenox and Diamond - two special cats looking for a forever home. Lenox is blind and Diamond has one good eye, and is Lenox's seeing-eye cat. They are STILL looking for a home if anyone has room in their heart... Please, please spread the word. Read their whole story and info here.
Beautiful Lenox!
Dashing Diamond!
#7: The Most Beautiful Thing You'll Read Today This is a beautiful poem I got about rescuing animals and why we do it. Anyone who's ever rescued an animal (or is an animal-lover, really) will be truly touched by it.
I am an Animal Rescuer. I will never bring about world peace. I'm not a brain surgeon and I'll never transplant an organ to save a life.... I don't have the ear of a powerful politician or world power. I can't end world hunger. I'm not a celebrity, and God knows I'm not glamorous! I'm not looked up to by millions around the world. Very few people even recognize my name. I'll never win the Nobel prize. I'll never save the rain forest or end global warming. There are a lot of things that I'll never do or become. But today I placed a cat!Read the rest...
#6: Rally the Troops: Little Meow Needs a Home! Speaking of rescuing animals... of course Little Meow made the Top 10 list! What a success story my sweet former-parking-lot-kitty is. You all know and love her, and now she has a happy loving home because of it!
#5: YouTube Animals Sing "Deck the Halls" This one sure made it to the top of the list quick, didn't it?! We just posted it a little over a week ago!
#4: Two Cats Tuesday: Pimp and Moo Want to Help! You know Pimp and Moo had to show up on this list somewhere... and what better way than in this post where we we teamed up with Iams Home for the Holidays to help donate food to animals in shelters!
With your help, we raised 21,200 bowls of food! Yay!
#3: Kitten Hiding in a Pile of Kittens The title alone is enough to make this Cute a huge success. I could watch this video over and over again...
#2: Black Cats Are the New Black YES! I'm so happy this post made the list -- and so high up, too! I have such a sweet spot for black kitties and hope this post helped more people see how beautiful and special they are. (By the way, Knight, the gorgeous man-cat in this post, is still looking for a home!)
Am I your Knight in shining fur?
Black cats are all the rage, and if you don't have one, you better go out and grab one quick before they run out. Act fast! All the cool people have them... Man, I wish this were true. Black cats are beautiful, amazing, gorgeous creatures. Read the rest...
#1: Maru's Fresh Step Commercial Surprise, surprise... Look who's the cutest Cute of 2010. None other than the king of YouTube, the baffoon of boxes, the crazy cat we've all come to love -- Maru! And in his TV debut no less!
You know what I love about this Top 10 list? Sure, there's lots of cuteness here... but look at all the AMAZING things we've been able to do through Your Daily Cute! We find cats homes, we feed shelter animals, we raise awareness about less-adoptable pets...
I have never been prouder of my little blog than I am now. I didn't fudge this list. These are truly the things that interested all of you most. You know what? WE are amazing. All of us.
We hope you enjoyed all these Cutes and we look forward to even more cuteness next year!
*The top 10 Cutes were decided by which posts got the most views during the year.
I have seen cats in hats before, but cats who actually put the hat on themselves?! That's a whole other level of cute.
Cuteheads, we have reached that level with this cat putting on a bunny hat! Unbelievable? Maybe. But still, really really cute.
So what's the secret? Well, from reading the comments on the video, it seems like this was actually played in reverse. The cat started with the bunny hat on... and took it off. What a spoiler! I don't care, I still love the video and the idea to do it. Cute approved!
Thanks to Cute's friend Jennifer for sharing this on our Facebook page!
Happy Two Cats Tuesday, Cuteheads! Today we really don't have much to share, so we're just going to have a random day.
First, Moo is learning to read. He is a very smart kitty. Except that he thinks that you can read through os-moo-sis (by sitting on the book and it just going through your furs to your brain somehow).
I am going to read this book so Mom doesn't have to.
For our next random, Pimp wants you to meet one of his oldest and best buddies -- the Taco Bell dog. When he was just a little kitten, he stole it from one of my roommates (more than 10 years ago!) and was immediately one of his favorite toys. He would do the bunny kicks and it would say, "Your quiero Taco Bell" over and over and over and over and over again...
He is still one of my best friends and I like to snuggle with him. And, for the record, he still talks, but I don't kick him as much.
For our last random today, I want to show you how silly Moo is. A couple days ago, Daisy the Curly Cat blogged about how her brother Harley brings toys upstairs every night. Well, Moo does the same thing -- but he brings them to my pajama pants.
I'm not a slob, but I do tend to leave my lounge pants on the floor. (Like you never leave clothes on the floor!) Anyway, every single night, Moo brings my pajama pants a present or two, and when I wake up there is always a special gift waiting for me on them.
His favorite thing in the world to deliver is his stuffed alligator. His second favorite offering is any of his wand toys. A couple nights ago, he was a very busy kitty... and brought me all of this!
How lucky am I? Look at all these presents Moo brought me!
It's pretty cold out there everywhere in the U.S... We hope all our friends and their furry babies are staying warm! We're all cuddled up over here, for sure.
After all the festivities during the past couple days, it's probably a good idea to just take a little time to wind down and snuggle up for a nice, relaxing nap with someone you love... like these two love-bug kitties.
I'll think I'll be doing just that with Pimp and Moo add day today, actually. Any excuse to cuddle with my boys... I'll take it.
Elaine and Veronica are having a blast in the snow (and especially at wrecking the path their mom and dad just cleared), but nothing is more fun that diving into a pile of snow and sticking your head out the other side. You can't see me...
And if this video wasn't cute enough, the cats' names are Elaine and Veronica. Elaine and Veronica! Have you every heard of two cuter, more prissy kitty names than those? I think that might make the video even better. :)
And this kitten is off on his crazy closet obstacle course! You can tell he's got the track down to a science -- through the shoes, up the pants, in the shirts, across the hangers, in the sleeve... in the sleeeeeeeve... the slllll... the... Well, almost in the sleeve.
What better way to celebrate the end of a tremendously successful Santa Paws Drive than with some cute animals singing Jingle Bells? Last week, we shared the silly mashup of animals singing Deck the Halls, and this week they're back and better than ever!
I don't know how this guy does it... but his talking animals videos are so perfectly done and crack me up every time.
Happy Two Cats Tuesday, Cuteheads! Can you believe Christmas is only a few days away? We can... and Pimp and Moo are already getting presents!
We did a Secret Santa gift exchange through Lainey's Pawtique for our second year in a row now, and Pimp and Moo made out like bandits! They wanted to share their presents with you, so here we go!
First, Pimp's Secret Santa was Tigerlily of @theotigsy! Pimpy was so excited to get his holiday gift bundle of fun toys and treats, and a new Beastie Band collar that he's been wanting, too! (How did she know he wanted one?! Hehe.)
This catnip reindeer was so stinky that we could smell it as soon as we opened the box! That's good stuff!
Must nom the ball to make sure it is good. Yes, this one is good... even before Mom got it out of the packaging! (But don't worry, she did right away.)
I also had to nom the reindeer. (Of course!) Later, I nommed the treats, too. What a nommy Christmas it is!
The stuff in this box might have been for Pimp, but the box is MINE.
Moo's Secret Santa was very secret (we didn't get the doggie or kitty's name who sent the gifts), but they were VERY good gifts! Moo was so, so silly with them.
Oooh! A box! It must be my turn to get my Secret Santa present! (It's from Christine - thank you!)
Look at all these toys, Pimp! There are so many that I think I might be able to share... maybe.
In the box was a huge pile of festive green toys that both Moo and Pimp played around in, but right from the start, Moo picked out his most favoritest. You see, he loves wand toys -- anything with a stick gets an four paws up from him! -- so he went right for it out of the pile... and ran off!
Thank you to our Secret Santas! We hope the kitties we send gifts to love theirs as much as Pimp and Moo loved theirs. Can't wait to do it again next year!
Maru is back, Cuteheads! Except this time, he's not in a box... he's in a Christmas stocking!
I don't know about you, but if Santa put a Maru in my stocking this year, I'd be one happy Queen of Cute for sure! Do you think Pimp and Moo would like him?
Oh what fun it is to hop on a funny farm kind of day!
OK, that was terrible. That's fine. But these baby goats dancing to Jingle Bells is fabulous! (And I promise you, it will make up for my ridiculous lyrics...)
Thought I'd do something a little different and fun today. For whatever reason, I had ninja cats on the brain, so I went and found a whole bunch of cute ones and figured it would make a fun post!
Warning: Fierce bundles of fur below. Scroll down with caution.
Slides are fun! But if you don't have a slide, just find your nearest hill, flop onto your back and wiggle and squiggle your way down it like this silly bulldog!
It's all in the hips. Or maybe it's the legs? Or, well, it might just be the tummy jiggle... Either way, doesn't she look like she's having the best time?
P.S. Only a few more days left to donate to Santa Paws Drive! Don't forget the last day for cash donations and buying raffle tickets is December 20. (Have you checked out the raffle prizes?! A year of Greenies, a super pawsome scratcher, Kritter Kondo outdoor pet enclosures... $1,000 worth of prizes!)
Happy Two Cats Tuesday Cuteheads! Can you believe it was in the 30's last night here in South Florida? Even with fur coats, Pimp and Moo are still chilly kitties!
And when one is chilly, what do you do? You snuggle up in bed and keep warm in the covers!
I am a snugglesaurus in Mom's sheets!
A FIERCE snugglesaurus!
But also a sweet snugglesaurus...
You'd think that when it's cold outside, Pimp and Moo would snuggle up with each other to keep warm and cozy. A nice little cuddlepile sounds like the perfect way to combat the chilly air! But no... not my boys.
This is as close as we get! No touching!
Stay warm, everyone! Cold weather means it's time to grab your kitties and doggies and cuddle up with them -- whether they like it or not! :)
Yay! A new Simon's cat cartoon! We LOVE these -- he always captures cats so perfectly!
This time, Simon's cat is up to no good with the Christmas tree. I'm sure this has happened in many of your houses before... Luckily Pimp and Moo have never really cared about our tree. (Uh oh, I probably just jinxed myself!)
P.S. There are only 8 days left to donate to Santa Paws Drive! It's crunch time for us and we hope we can reach our goal. If you have been meaning to donate, please do!
What a sweet doggie this is to play with his baby brother like this! Love how the baby just cracks up the whole time -- and the dog is totally doing exactly what he knows makes him giggle!
Make sure you watch all the way to the end. Lots of sweet love there. :)
Thanks to Cute's friend (and fellow Santa Paws Drive elf!), @TheKittenCrew for finding this!
This is one of the best Christmas videos ever! Someone took a bunch of the cutest animal videos on YouTube and put them together so it's like they are singing "Deck the Halls" -- it's genius... and fabulous!
You just have to giggle. This is officially my favorite Christmas song now!
This has been going around Facebook for the past couple days, so thank you to all of Cute's friends who posted it so I could find it!
BONUS CUTE: How about something like this, but all singing kitties?!
William is thirsty and he wants what's is in his human's water bottle. There is just one tiny problem: His head doesn't fit through the tiny hole to get to the water.
That won't stop him from trying to shove his face in there, though!
William's owners say he has been doing this ever since they adopted him in 2005. That's five years and he still hasn't figured out it isn't going to work. Can someone just get the poor kitty a straw?
P.S. Today is the last day to donate toys to Santa Paws Drive (which was founded by me!) You can still donate cash or buy raffle tickets until Dec. 20. Thanks for the support!
Suryia the orangutan and Roscoe the hound dog became unlikely BFFs after a chance meeting one day. Suryia was on her daily walk with her caretakers when she spotted Roscoe coming out of the woods -- at they were friends at first sight!
I got these pictures in an email from a friend (Thanks, Jen!), so of course I went looking for more information on these two cuties... and found a video of them playing together! It's at the bottom under the pictures.
They are at the The Institute of Greatly Endangered and Rare Species in Myrtle Beach, SC. Enjoy the love!
This is a love story about a fluffy orange cat and his fluffy golden dog. Massages, kisses, nosetaps and face rubs are all just a normal part of the day for this kitty and his sister Bailey.
I've seen some cute cat and dog love videos before, but this one is probably one of the sweetest yet. Enjoy!
Happy Two Cats Tuesday, Cuteheads! Today there's a special little surprise under our Christmas tree over here. It's just a tiny tree, so the surprise can't really be that big... but it is big on cute!
Don't bother putting "Moo" on your Christmas list, Cuteheads. He's mine. :)
This is my new favorite spot. I'm festive, OK?
I think he might have also taken a liking to the water in the tree stand. Not sure, but the water is disappearing on random nights and not on others. I don't think the tree has anything to do with the inconsistency...
P.S. I wanted to make sure all of you know about the fabulous raffle we have going on for Santa Paws Drive! Tickets are only $1 and you can win over $700 in pet prizes! Plus, 100% of the proceeds go right to the shelters to make the kitties and doggies' holiday brighter!
You can win a year of Greenies, a super cool Scratching Tower from ModernCat, an outdoor pet enclosure from Kritter Kondos and more! Some great stuff for a great cause. Thanks!
Let's get this week started off the right way -- with a super cute kitten!
Meesha loves stuffed animals, especially at bedtime. She carries them around the house all day, and at night, she loves to snuggle with her teddy and her blankie.
Every Mondays should be this adorable, don't you think?
Roxanne is not sure what to make of that front door step. Her favorite toy is right there, just one step down... but that step is a big step to such a little puggle.
Will she make it all the way down that big, bad stair? Or will she pull the old "I'm so cute, Mommy. Why don't you just help me down?" move? Or will her limited puppy attention span just help her forget about that darn step anyway?
NOTE FROM CUTE: I'm running a half marathon this morning! Should be great (a little chilly, though), so wish me luck! Pimp and Moo are going to have a tired mommy on their hands...
Just 8 days old, this squeaky baby flamingo is just learning to the flamingo basics. His balance isn't all there yet and he may not know the difference between his reflection in the water and another flamingo friend, but he gets an A+ for being cute!
I had no idea they were white and then turned pink! I also didn't know they were so cute and squeaky.
This little baby flamingo is at Seattle's Woodland Park Zoo. The video is about a month and half old, so I can imagine he's getting big and strong by now!
I wish I had more explanation for this video. All I know is that there is a monkey in what appears to be a zoo, and there's a cat in his monkey jungle -- a cat who apparently needs to be cleaned.
So, being the nice monkey that he is, he quickly goes to work picking little dirties off the kitty. It's pretty cute. Maybe I should get Pimp and Moo a monkey... Might cut back on cat hair in the house.
Happy Two Cats Tuesday, Cuteheads! Today, Pimp is doing a little pouting. I told him to snap out of it, but he just has this face...
I am pouting a little bit. But I'm still cute, right?
So why is Pimp pouting? Well, he is a sad because there are lots of kitties and doggies in shelters that won't be lucky enough to have comfy, warm, loving forever homes like he and Moo have for Christmas. He is sad because while he'll no doubt get showered with new mice and catnip toys, his furry friends in shelters probably won't.
It's sad, yes... but we can cheer Pimp up!
How, you ask? It's easy! Lucky for him, his mommy (the Queen of Cute herself!) and some friends have put together Santa Paws Drive -- an online toy, treat and donation drive to bring Christmas to shelter animals!
Yes! And YOU can help! Me, Pimp and Moo are asking (begging, pleading, looking very cute and convincing) you to please donate a few green papers or a toy to Santa Paws Drive. It's so easy! All you have to do is go to and choose what you'd like to donate. Then, when the drive is over (Dec. 10 for toys and Dec. 20 for cash), me and the other three elves are going to divide up the goodies between the six shelters around the world and send them huge holiday gift packages!
Moo got a new shirt just to show his support for Santa Paws Drive! That's worth at least a dollar donation from everyone, right?
We sincerely wish all these cats and dogs could have forever homes for Christmas, but if they can't, we at least want them to have some holiday joy.
Our goal is to raise at least $800 for each of the six shelters plus oodles and oodles of toys and treats for the cats and dogs! We'd love your support. Every single dollar helps... and spreading the word helps even more!
Kittens like to fetch the silliest things, but I've never seen one drag around a big huge towel before! This towel has to be at least four times as big as the kitty!
The cute kitty's name is Chan Puru. I'm not sure what "Puru" means in Japanese, but I do like how it has purr in it!
Salem's favorite food in the whole wide world is spaghetti. He likes to slurp the whole noodle from one end to the other -- and even makes a mess with the sauce just like us people do!
Happy Thanksgiving, Cuteheads! Today we're talking about cats and turkey, of course... but not just any turkey.
This is a battle for the prized turkey leg toy! Carly and Gryffin are trying to wrestle to see how gets the goods. But watch what sneaky Telly Mew does while they're busy duking it out.
I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving full of good food, family, friends, pets and love!
In a classic battle of cat vs. Mac, this cute kitten gives the MacBook a thorough durability testing.
To pass the inspection, the screen must be able to withstand kitty claws and wind-up, flip-over, bounce-back kitten attacks and the keyboard must be tough enough to withstand kitty paw pouncing and trouncing.
Does this Mac pass the test? Or will kitty switch to PC? Watch and see...
Happy Two Cats Tuesday, Cuteheads! Today we have a little cow-cat craziness, courtesy of the Moo and his tiny box.
A while ago I bought an iron. Picture your iron... and then picture the small box it came in. Well, that's what silly Moo decided he was going to try and cuddle up in.
Paws is one soulful pup. He has rhythm in his bones and a smooth arrrooooo to go with it.
He not only plays the piano, he sings along as well! He's a complete one-dog show. The total package. Some call Diddy and get this talented doggie a contract!
Something is in the other room, and judging by the poofiness of Conan's tail and the spikeyness of the fur on his back, whatever it is must be really, really spooky.
But what could it be that has this cute kitten all frazzled? You'll never guess...
P.S. Did you know this is Conan's 5th time being featured on the Cute? To see all of Conan's silliness, click here and scroll down through all of them!
P.P.S. Yes, poofiness and spikeyness are words, because Cute says so.
I have never, ever, evereverever thought of toads as cute. In fact, I always just felt they were slimy and gross and, well, just gross. Until today.
Who knew toads like to be petted? Just look how happy that little toady is to be getting scritches and scratches! He's just like a cat or dog, leaning in to them and loving it! It's... it's... *deep breath*... it's almost like toads are cute now.
What do you think?
Note from Cute: I have heard that some toads are poisonous, but I'm going to assume this little guy is squeaky clean. I'm also going to assume that that guy washed his finger in a giant tub of bleach and hand sanitizer after petting the toad. :)
They say that opposites attract, and maybe it's true. One: soft, furry, indifferent, 13 pounds or so. The other: hard-shelled, green, determined, maybe 3 ounces.
And yet, there's nothing this tiny turtle wouldn't do for just one sweet smooch from his kitty love...
Lucy is one happy horse, and she loves to flash her pearly whites to prove it!
That's cute and all, but what makes it really cute is that she does it on command. I had a good giggle at this one -- I hope you all do, too!
Her mom actually taught her this trick by tickling her lip with her finger until she lifted it... then she 'd get a cookie. Eventually she's do it if her mom just touched her nose. And then, after a while, she just started smiling all the time... just to get a cookie! Silly Lucy. Smart girl!
Can you see him? Right there, snuggled deep in the cuddle pile... There's a fuzzy little white kitty with his paws outstretched having the best little dream.
Still don't see him? Don't worry, you will. ;)
Thanks to Cute's friend @ceejness for passing on this cute hiding kitten video!
Happy Two Cats Tuesday, Cuteheads! Isn't today just the best day?
Pimp got a little crazy with his contribution the Cute today -- he decided to put on a good show and romp around and trample and stalk one of his favorite toys!
For those of you who don't know, my sweet baby Pimp is 11 years old, so these moments of kitten-like behavior are getting a little more few and far between. But don't you worry, this mature dude still has plenty of spunk left in him!
That box on the floor is the box from a bookcase I bought at IKEA. Pimp and Moo loved playing around on it so much that I actually had to leave it there taking up the whole dining room floor for over a week!
The things we do for our kitties...
Moo gives Pimp and his crazy antics the side eye. o_O
I'm not a brain surgeon and I'll never transplant an organ to save a life....
I don't have the ear of a powerful politician or world power.
I can't end world hunger.
I'm not a celebrity, and God knows I'm not glamorous!
I'm not looked up to by millions around the world. Very few people even recognize my name.
I'll never win the Nobel prize.
I'll never save the rain forest or end global warming.
There are a lot of things that I'll never do or become.
But today I placed a cat!
It was a small, scared, bundle of flesh and bones that was dropped off in a shelter by unfeeling people that didn't care what happened to it, but yet who were responsible for it even having existence in the first place.
I found it a home.
It now has contentment and an abundance of love. A warm place to sleep and plenty to eat. A child has a warm fuzzy new friend who will give them unquestioning devotion and teach them about responsibility and love.
No, I'm not a rocket scientist but today I saved one of God's precious creatures. Today, I made a difference!
I am an Animal Rescuer.
My job is to assist God's creatures.
I was born with the needto fulfill their needs.
I take in new family members without plan, thought or selection.
I have bought dog and cat food with my last dime.
I have patted a mangy head with a bare hand.
I have hugged someone vicious and afraid.
I have fallen in love a thousand times
and I have cried into the fur of a lifeless body.
I have Animal Friends and friends who have Animal Friends.
I don't often use the word "pet."
I notice those lost at the road side
and my heart aches.
I will hand raise a field mouse
and make friends with a vulture.
I know of no creature unworthy of my time.
I want to live forever if there aren't animals in Heaven.
But I believe there are!
Why would God make something so perfect and leave it behind?
We may be master of the animals,
but the animals have mastered themselves.
Something people still haven't learned.
War and abuse make me hurt for the world,
but a rescue that makes the news gives me hope for humankind.
We are a quiet but determined army.
And making a difference every day.
There is nothing more necessary than warming an orphan.
Nothing more rewarding than saving a life.
No higher recognition than watching them thrive.
There is no greater joy than seeing a baby play
who only days ago, was too weak to eat.
I am an Animal Rescuer.
Note from Cute: I got this in an email from a friend who works with Animal Aid, and I admit to tearing up as I read it. You know, I bet some people think I'm crazy, or just don't really get how anyone would go so out of their way to help one animal like many of us do, but WE know it's worth it. We know it's important.
Please share this with your friends who work with rescues or just your animal-loving friends in general. I know I'm glad my friend shared it with me, and I hope others get to read it, too, just to see how beautiful all their efforts really are.
Now if that isn't cute, I don't know what is... :)
This is Pancake the cat. Pancake loves juicy chicken and will learn almost any trick to get some -- like doing barrel rolls!
I have no idea how you teach a cat to do this, but Pancake somehow knows to roll over and over and over when his daddy tells him to "barrel roll." And then he gets some chicken, of course.
This has got to be one of the cutest cat tricks ever!
Thanks to Tamar from I Have Cat for sending me this adorable video and introducing me to Pancake's blog!
Don't you just love stories like this? Animals are so loving and nurturing and perfect -- there is always a story about one species helping another!
This latest is a story of Bambi, a puppy whose mom died during his puppybirth. Bambi had almost no chance to survive until Mrs. Rabbit came along and decided she would take him under her nurturing furs. And so, along with her kittens, Mrs. Rabbit is raising Bambi to be healthy and strong!
There are two videos (hopefully can see the both; the first one wasn't working earlier). The first is the news story with their story and some short clips, and the second is just more of Mrs. Rabbit, Bambi and his kitten siblings.
Sometimes you just want to cover your ears and tune out the world (I can't hear you... lalalalala...), and it's no different for kittens, apparently.
Probably some silly human was oogling and baby-talking him -- like we all do, admit it -- and he'd just had enough. So he put his furry little paws over his ears... and problem solved.
This is Nipper the baby dolphin. He's is only about two weeks old and he was found injured and washed up on a shore by two people walking along a beach in Uruguay.
Now this lucky guy is save and sound at NGO Rescate Fauna Marina, where they are helping raise him... and even teaching him how to swim! (See the video at the end.)
I don't know about you, but I've never seen a baby dolphin before this. And they're adorable, aren't they?
Richard Tesore, head of the NGO Rescate Fauna Marina, holds Nipper, the rescued baby dolphin.
A cute Magellan penguin, who is also being cared for at the rescue, wants to be friends with Nipper!
Here's the first video of Nipper -- he's getting a swimming lesson!
Thanks to Cute's friend Vanessa for originally passing on this cute rescued baby dolphin story!