Oct 27, 2010

Kitty Cats Playing Patty Cake

There are tons of cute cat videos out there, but every now and then a really special one comes along. Cuteheads, this is definitely one of them!

These two cats playing patty cake are best friends, the video description says, because they grew up on the same street. I'm assuming their owner brought them in off the street... and now they're living happily and playfully ever after!

Oh, and they love to play patty cake... while standing up... with their bellies showing... Which makes me love them even more.

NOTE FROM CUTE: Eek! If the video's not working, don't worry... You can still go watch it here!

Bonus Cute: Here's a ginger cat playing patty cake!

Thanks to Cute's friends Samir and @BZTAT for sharing this cute one!


  1. In the mode of "picking your battles," it appears this is not a very big one. How cute!

  2. Maybe they could turn that into a cheering routine for the NFL! (National Feline League)

  3. That is so darn awesome. Love how they do it in kind of slow motion to make sure it isn't going to be a knock down drag out fight. Have a fun day.

  4. LOL!1 Maybe they were fighting over that mouse?
    "Hey Ma! He licked his paws and then he touched me with that slobber!!!!"

  5. I LOVE that video! They know the one AND the two-paw version of pattycake!

  6. That so darn cute! I loved it! And, the time out for one of them to wash! Hilarious!

  7. Looks like there was some pat a head too. heh

  8. kitty version of the movie "the color purple"..lol

  9. This video is definitively a FAVORITE of mine.

  10. Gotta love the computer monitors in the back too!

  11. Interesting video. Interesting how these cats seem to get along so well to the point of touching each other's paws in unison by their owner's computer. Fun post.

  12. I love this video so much that I have seen it so so many times
    It never gets old.......

  13. Interesting video. Interesting how these cats seem to get along so well to the point of touching each other's paws in unison by their owner's computer. Fun post.

  14. I LOVE that video! They know the one AND the two-paw version of pattycake!


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