Baby Maui was just a few weeks old in this video -- plenty old enough to know that she loved the bathroom rug.
I once had a bathroom rug that Pimp would do exactly this to! It was kind of a shag rug, and he loves to knead and kind of suck on the strings. I have no idea why. I actually had to get rid of it because it was always wet... and not from my freshly showered feet -- from Pimp!
Margaritas, apparently. It'll make sense in a minute, trust me.
In what is now my favorite commercial ever, Sauza Tequila has raised the bar when it comes to shameless use of things that have no relation to their product to get your attention.
For your viewing pleasure, we have an impossibly adorable kitten and a hot, breathy fireman who knows that "kittens make everything better" -- it might just make me order Sauza instead of Patron for my next margarita!
P.S. Speaking of margaritas... Guess what I'm doing this weekend? I'm going on a mini vacation to Key West with Tamar from I Have Cat! Cat ladies do Key West! We can't wait to visit the Hemingway House and generally just relax and hang out with as many cats as possible. And have margaritas, of course. Hopefully margaritas made by hot firemen who love cats. Too much to ask? ;)
Henri is just a cat. His days consist of sleeping, sitting around waiting for someone to pet him and thinking he's surrounded by morons -- particularly that white cat brother of his.
Le sigh. What a rough life, Henri. We feel your sorrow.
Thanks to Cute's fabulous friend, Keely, for sharing this video with us!
Anyone who has cats knows that one does not simply read the newspaper. Or a book. Or anything, really (I can't even read my iPad without Moo standing in front of it).
Here is a man reading the newspaper with his two 10-month-old kittens, Pip and Fritz. Does this kind of shenanigans look familiar to any of you?
NOTE FROM CUTE: Guess what? I start my new job today! I'll post more about it later, but I just wanted to let you know the good news. I'm excited about it, but I have no idea how Moo is going to deal with being by himself all day long now... He's been stuck to my side, or my lap, for weeks.
When it comes to loving kittens, there has never been a sweeter dog than Murkin. He is so gentle, even when they do silly things like attack his tongue.
Murkin was snuggling with his orange tabby foster kitten. The snuggle was so good that he started getting sleepy and yaaaaawwwwwnnnn. THWAP!
That thing in his mouth moved! It must be a cat toy! Let me have it! Get it out of there again! And Murkin just stays calm through all of it.