Mar 10, 2012

Sweet Dog Gets His Heart Broken by Foster Kittens

Murkin is such a good doggie. All he wants to do is make friends and hang out with the foster kittens, but they don't want anything to do with him.

He keeps trying to say hi and nuzzle his way into their hearts, but to no avail. He just ends up getting his own heart broken.

(Psst... make sure you scroll down for the happy ending!)

That was so sweet and sad, wasn't it? Well, there's good news! Murkin and those silly kitties finally did become friends!

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  1. I LOVE Murkin, he is such a good and gentle doggie!

  2. That is such an adortable video.,

  3. Murkin looks so very unhappy but in the ending he's still not too sure that they will all come to him.  I know he wants them all over is a wonderful thing and Murkin is a very special boy.  Would love to have him around .... just for me.

  4. That is one sweet dog;and I am a cat person

  5. Awwww...Murkin appears to be an older fellow, and probably can't participate in kitten playtime, but certainly wants to be in the company of the kitties. Sweet!

  6. That is very nice that Murkin wants to play with the little kittens

  7.  You gotta be careful for what you wish for! Now he's got one in front working the nose while there is another kitten attacking his tail!!

    Very cute video indeed!  And what a sweet dog, Murkin is!

  8. awww they like him, they really like him !!

  9. That was really cute. That sure looks like such a nice dog. Glad to see the kittens played with him.

  10. You have to love that dog!  I want him.  >^..^<


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