Mar 8, 2012

Cat in a Small Box

Like any cat, Hobbes loves boxes. And like any cat, size is not an issue. A box is a box is a box!

And the smaller the box, the bigger the mission (and the more the cat wants to be in the box, apparently). Hobbes is determined.

NOTE FROM CUTE: Thank you all for all the help/suggestions/kind words about my job search. I haven't landed anywhere yet, but I am grateful for all the support and I know the right thing will come along soon!

ANOTHER NOTE: Pimp is doing great on his prescription y/d food so far. He likes it, so that's great. I talked to the vet a little yesterday just to make sure he's eating the right amounts, and he's right on track. And Moo? Well, he's still not really on board with the meal feedings. :)


  1. Awwwsome fitting into the box at the end of the video!!! >^.^< 

  2. Priceless, Thank you so much for the morning laugh.

  3. That is the silliest kitty ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Moo is probably like Lenny, they think we never feed them and that they will soon starve if they don't get their food ALL DAY LONG! silly boys! :)

  5. You are lucky that you only have 2 to change over to meal feedings.  When my Moo became diabetic, I had to transition 6 kitties not only to scheduled meals but also from kibble to canned.  I still have to sit with them to make sure that everyone gets their share and not pushed away before they are done.

  6. BAHAHAHA!  Dat krazy kitteh made me laff so hard tuna camed out mai noze!!!   

  7. I laughed all the way thru! Cats are determined creatures aren't they?!
    "The smaller the box, the bigger the mission" was right on, and cracked me!!

  8. OMG! That was hilarious!!!! Hobbes is a determined little cutie! So glad Pimp is doing well! Sorry to hear Moo is mad! LOL I have a similar problem @ my house with food.... I have a rescue that has just recently moved in & she was pretty under weight & has some muscle issues so vet has her on a high calorie diet with lots of vitamins with a supplement that is kinda like Ensure. She can eat the other kitties food; but they cannot eat hers! They get so mad cuz they want what she has!!! LOL

  9. Yep, the cats here love their boxes too!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  10. There is a cat hyperthyroid group on Facebook and Yahoo Groups if you're looking for more info on the condition and how to treat....


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