I am absolutely in love with Grumpy Cat lately. Have you heard of her? She is a cat that just always looks grumpy, even though she's really not -- it's just her face.
And her special grumpy cat face has sparked a whole meme with people putting the funniest captions on her picture! They are so silly.
Here is a video of grumpy cat in action (and some of my favorite grumpy cat meme pictures below!):
Exciting fun today, Cuteheads! Every year, Fancy Feast comes out with a limited edition collectible Christmas ornament. They only make a certain amount, and people wait anxiously for the chance to get one each holiday.
Usually, they are only available through Fancy Feast and their Facebook page, but this year they've done something extra special -- they are allowing a few select kitty bloggers to share some of the ornaments with their readers... for free!
And I'm excited to tell you that we have 25 Fancy Feast ornaments to give away to Your Daily Cute readers!
My Fancy Feast ornament on my tree!
They are gorgeous this year. My favorite so far ever! I have one that they sent me on my tree, and it's right at the top in the front.
To enter to win the Fancy Feast ornament giveaway, simply do as many of the things below on the widget. You can leave a comment, Like us on Facebook, tweet about the giveaway... each step gets you more entries! You can do as few or as many as you like!
(Psst... the tweet entry you can do every day, so that's more entries for you!)
I'll randomly choose 25 winners at the end of the contest. Fancy Feast ornament giveaway contest ends December 11, 2012 at 11:59 p.m. Winners will be notified by December 13. Good luck, everyone!
P.S. For extra chances to win, make sure you follow Santa Paws Drive on Facebook... We have a whole bunch more Fancy Feast ornaments we'll be giving away soon there, too!
P.P.S. The Santa Paws Drive raffle is up! Each ticket is only $1 and we have $1,775 worth of amazing stuff you can win. 100% of the proceeds go directly to the Santa Paws Drive shelters!
Sometimes it can take some patience to catch a kitty. You "fish" for them with one of those feather on a string wand toys, and wait. Sometimes you might feel a bite, but usually that's just the line getting snagged on a nail.
But patience often pays off! Just keep at it and eventually, you might catch yourself a Christmas kitty!
P.S. This is our Twitter friend, @AmazingKimicat, in this video! Isn't she adorable?
P.P.S. I visited Moe on Tuesday and he is so adorable! He is flying to his forever home in Michigan this weekend and I just couldn't let him go without a snuggle. he has the loudest, strongest purr. There is some serious horsepower in that kitty!
Here are just a couple pictures... There will be more I'm sure when he gets to his forever home!
Moe is a love!
Moe in action!
P.P.S. We're having another Santa Paws Drive pawty on Twitter on Sunday! This time we have some super prizes just for attending and some exciting news... Check out the invite for more information and to RSVP!
Better than any big-name DJ out there, this fuzzball kitten takes his paw to his favorite Bob Marley vinyl record to mix things up a little bit.
Thing is, as he's scratching, it's him that ends up getting all mixed up. Just when we think he has it mastered, round and round he goes...
Big thanks to Cutehead Sonya S. for sharing this cute Vinyl Cat video with us!
NOTE FROM CUTE: Senior sisters Sera and Chloe who were dumped at animal control are still looking for a forever home. Please take a moment to read their story and share it. Thank you!
Happy Two Cats Tuesday, Cuteheads! Today we have something very important to do. We're on a mission to get two sweet sisters the best holiday present ever -- a real forever home!
Sera and Chloe are two sweet girls who were dumped at Pompano Animal Control, the kill shelter near me. They were part of 20 cats that someone surrendered (20!), and are the lucky ones who are still there looking for a home. (We're not talking about what happened to the others.)
This is the picture I first saw of Sera. What is it about it?
When I first saw Sera's picture, she really touched me for some reason. I share cats all the time, and hope for the best, but this one... I honestly thought that one more cat wouldn't be that bad and really, really thought about running down there to bust her out of that cage.
But then I thought for another minute, and knew that wasn't right (I'm already over my cat limit), so I shared her on Facebook. A fabulous friend of Cute immediately had the same reaction I did. What is it about this sweet 12-year-old cat's face that tugs at heartstrings so much?
She went a step farther than me, and decided she would adopt her. She truly didn't need another cat, but that face...
Chloe's nose looks like a little heart, doesn't it?
We were excited for a couple hours, until we learned Sera wasn't alone. Her sister, Chloe, was also sadly sitting at the shelter, and we couldn't just leave her there to meet what would certainly be her fate. But our friend couldn't take two.
What to do? Cuteheads, I'm telling you I really thought hard about this one. I have never done this before, but I just couldn't pull Sera out of that place and leave her sister there. Surely there is someone out there who can adopt them both! And if we didn't at least try... I know I'd really regret it. And I know if anyone can make this miracle happen, it's us!
So begged and pleaded and we found a place that Sera and Chloe could stay safe for a little bit without even having a definite home to go to -- but it is only for two weeks. They can't stay there, and I refuse to let them go back to the shelter. What these two gorgeous girls need is someone who can give them a real forever home, forever.
They've both seen the vet. Sera is about 12 years old (a sweet, sweet old lady who deserves to live her golden years in a warm home) and Chloe is about 8 year old (a gorgeous, regal Maine Coon is really is friendly, but is just scared and out of her element right now).
Can we do this? Can we find them a home? Can one of you maybe open your heart and your home to these to girls?
Sera soaking up some love and Chloe wishing she had a home.
I have no idea who in the world could surrender cats this age after having them so long, but it happened, and now we need to show Sera and Chloe that there are wonderful people out there who truly want the best for them.
Will you help? Please share this post far and wide. We don't have much time.
If anyone is interested in Sera and Chloe, please email me at dorian (at) yourdailycute (dot) com. We can transport anywhere in the U.S.! I know we Cuteheads can work out their ride, all we need is a home for them to go to.
Is it yours?
P.S. Pimp and Moo took the day off to let Sera and Chloe be Two Cats Tuesday today. They'll be back next week, but they thought this was really important to. :)
There is something in my box and I want it out of there now!
This angry kitten is not happy with the fact that there is tissue in the box she wants to sit in. Whatever was in the box is gone, and now that darn paper needs to get out of there, too.
Like, now. And she'll use force if she has to.
P.S. I'm running a half marathon this morning! The weather should be great and I'm super excited. I'll let you know how I do!
P.P.S. Have you donated to Santa Paws Drive yet? Please? :) Less that two weeks less to donate toys and treats!