Dec 23, 2010

Kitten Obstacle Course

On your marks. Get set. Go!

And this kitten is off on his crazy closet obstacle course! You can tell he's got the track down to a science -- through the shoes, up the pants, in the shirts, across the hangers, in the sleeve... in the sleeeeeeeve... the slllll... the... Well, almost in the sleeve.

Bonus Cute: Check out this closet cat's clothes snatching antics!


  1. he he - what a great work out he is getting. Dat is the best jungle gym ever.

  2. that was great! you know those folks never wear anything without cat hair!!! LOL

  3. Too funny! I don't think I should try that one at home!

  4. That was hysterical. That is one energetic kitten that is for sure. Thank heavens none of mine learned to do that. Hope you have a great Holiday.

  5. omc omc omc how cute! bahahahah!

  6. this is probably the most energetic kitty I have ever seen! This was adorable!

  7. Hilarious & very cute kitty. But, I'm happy I never had a kitty do this either!

  8. The publicist had a cat that did that only he left claw marks on her leather coat. She was not happy

  9. Carol's Critter CornerFebruary 13, 2012 at 5:27 PM

    Cute.  Fur on everything! :-)


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