Jul 14, 2010

Molly vs. the Evil Printer

Molly knows the printer is evil. She is just trying to work up the courage to take it out so she can save her family from it's horrible, awful printing...

Well, maybe if she tries to scare it by attacking this cord right in front of it -- swat! thwap! pawpawpaw!

Did it work?


  1. OMG! Its hilarious the way her body twitches along with the noise of the printer!!

  2. I love what Barb Gold said. That is what cracked me up laughing the most! I loved this!!!

    My kitty used to turn on the printer every night...he didn't twitch like that though, hilarious!!

  3. LOL, Poor Mollie, she really does twitch with each sentence on the printer. That is hysterical. Love the attack on the cord. That almost worked. Great video.

  4. I can tell that is a very EVIL printer! It has some terrible control over Molly!

  5. Poor Molly! At least she knows these electronic things are attached to cords.

  6. My cats love our printer - not only is it warm for sleeping, but they're sure there's something tasty to catch inside! This poor kitty must think the thing is hissing at her! It's a wonder she doesn't run away.

  7. OMC! Dat is a scary printer, poor Molly has to do somefing about dat printer. MOL hehehe

    I luvs our printer when it starts up I comes running and makes sure every page comes out correctly. I is da Chief Kit after all!

  8. Molly better watch out. I think that printer is gonna get her!

  9. That is soooo cute! my Torti does the same thing :)


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