Feb 3, 2010

Cute Kitten Bunny-Hops Up the Stairs

Pingu is just learning how to navigate the stairs. You see, he's just a little guy and the stairs themselves are big guys, so hopping from one to the other is the only way right now until his little-guy legs grow some more -- but it's so darn cute!

He does have a little oopsie, but gets right back up and goes for it again! Go Pingu!


  1. If we had stairs in our home, I bet my cats will be bounding up and down the stairs too, how adorable! :)

  2. So cute!!! Is there anything cuter than kittens on the stairs? Is there anythign cuter than kittens? I think not!

  3. That was so cute. Glad he didn't fall all the way down. He is a very brave kitty to go up all those stairs. Hope he learns how to go back down Too cute.

  4. OOOOhhh how cute!!! Did you notice he has a heart-shaped spot on his back?

  5. This was SO cute. Maybe the cutest thing i've seen for ages ! Thanks !!

  6. One word for that kitten: irrepressible!

  7. It looks like he was trying to find who knocked him down. heh heh

  8. Now that is a sweetie...hop, hop, hop!

  9. What a very sweet little kitten. My heart stopped when he fell down the steps. Good he didn't get hurt.

  10. what a cute little fella! mom gasped when he fell down. Go pingu! :o)

  11. Oh that is just what I needed!

  12. Oh my gosh ~ that made me gasp when kitty rolled down those stairs ~ so glad everything turned out fine. So sweet and cute that wee kitty is.

  13. Heck I still bunny hops up da stairs MOL hehehe I gets up dem faster

    Dat so CUTE, he will running up and down before long.



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