Dec 16, 2010

Ladybug Plays with Sprinkles!

I know it sounds a little random, but this is surprisingly adorable! A ladybug found a pile of sprinkles and actually plays with them!

Who would have thought? I never knew they played, but it really looks like she's having fun! Super, super sweet video.

I saw this on @PEOPLEpets yesterday and loved it so much that I had to share!


  1. I wouldn't have thought that insects were inclined to play with or manipulate objects. I stand corrected. Very interesting little glimpse into an insect behavior I wouldn't have guessed existed.

  2. Aww dat's cute. Maybe the ladybug is bowling! he he

  3. Now I know what they are really good for!

  4. This is sooooo cute!!

    I think she smells the sugar and is trying to eat the sprinkles but they are too large for her to eat so it looks like she is playing :)

  5. Really, really cute! Wonderful insight to the insect world! I think she liked the sugar!!!

  6. I think she's trying to eat them because she got a taste of the sugar and likes it, but she's having a hard time getting hold of them and when she does she has a hard time keeping hold of them. they're too is cute either way. playing or trying to eat. I never knew bugs would play or that they liked sugar. I'm going to try it next time a lady bug is in my home.

  7. Awwww. Like Debbie, I think she's trying to eat them, but it sure is cute.

  8. This is sooooo cute!!

    I think she smells the sugar and is trying to eat the sprinkles but they are too large for her to eat so it looks like she is playing :)


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