Dec 29, 2010

Cat Puts on Bunny Hat

I have seen cats in hats before, but cats who actually put the hat on themselves?! That's a whole other level of cute.

Cuteheads, we have reached that level with this cat putting on a bunny hat! Unbelievable? Maybe. But still, really really cute.

So what's the secret? Well, from reading the comments on the video, it seems like this was actually played in reverse. The cat started with the bunny hat on... and took it off. What a spoiler! I don't care, I still love the video and the idea to do it. Cute approved!

Thanks to Cute's friend Jennifer for sharing this on our Facebook page!


  1. Guys... seriously... you gotta stop giving my human ideas!! She sure liked that hat... *sharpening claws*

  2. This gave my Mommeh ideas, too...

  3. That is too cute. The kitty put the hat on for us. That is amazing that the cat will do that. Too cute.

  4. Humans can be very silly when it comes to their animals....

  5. Is that a cat with a bunny on his head or a bunny with a cat stuck to its bottom?

    Seasons greetings FAZ

  6. Oh, please! No self-respecting cat would will put on a bunny hat (or any other hat, of ANY kind!). This vid is in "reverse". But still very cute and it made me laugh. To the cat's owner: check your shoes before putting 'em on...kitty revenge takes all forms!

  7. This gave my Mommeh ideas, too...

  8. Is that a cat with a bunny on his head or a bunny with a cat stuck to its bottom?

    Seasons greetings FAZ

  9. This is the cutest thing ever!


You know what would be really cute? If you left a comment... :)

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