Jun 17, 2010

Puppy Brushes his Own Teeth

Puppies are cute. But puppy breath? Not so much... And that's why Cute is so proud of this doggie for learning how to brush his own teeth!

He's only 7 months old, but look at how smart he is already. He loves his peanut-flavored toothpaste!


  1. Oh, now that is exceptionally cute! (Not to mention intelligent!) The puppy is beautiful.

  2. he he - never heard of a puppy brushing his/her own toothies before. That's priceless.

  3. Actually my Sheltie does the same but only when you start brushing his teeth. Then he wraps his paws around the brush and tries to "brush" them himself

    So cute!

  4. Gosh that is terrific. I might have to try that with my dogs. Just put peanut butter on the toothbrush and see if they chew it off. What a great idea. Doubt we can get the cats to do that.

  5. For Marg,
    Mac Cat does the same. We have toothbrushes in a holder & she chews on them paste or not. We have to cover our toothbrushes is we don't want her to chew on them! I gotta record it!
    Mac & Fuz Cat's Momster

  6. OK, I don't care what others think, I think that is darn impressive!

  7. We thinks that dog is so very smart and extremely cute!


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