Apr 2, 2012

Famous Movie Scenes Remade With Cats

You may have seen most of these movies, but you've never seen them quite like this. I bet you didn't know it was really cats that played major roles in them!

From Casablanca to Harry Potter, Anchorman and Scarface, there is no movie that can't be made better with cats!

NOTE FROM CUTE: Pimp has his follow-up appointment tomorrow to get his thyroid levels retested. Can you believe it's been four weeks already that he's been on the Hill's y/d food? All fingers and paws crossed that he's doing better. I'll update on Wednesday's post.

Thanks to Cute's Facebook friend, Heidi, for sharing this cat movie scenes video!

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  1. Kitties DO make everything purrfect!!!

  2. Kitties are the best actors! ;) Sending puurs and hugs to Pimp on his check up!

  3. Love it!!!

  4. Trish, Fido and the MunchApril 2, 2012 at 10:38 AM

    Sending best wishes and kitty prayers to Heaven for Pimp re his check-up.  Paws are crossed here, too.....

  5. LOL!! whoever made poptartcat certainly WAS somewhere over the rainbow :) cute video! prayers for Pimp! 

  6. LOL !!!!  Prayers for Pimp.

  7.  Aw, gees, this was HILARIOUS!! I LOVED it! Thanks for the chuckle, Dorian! :) 

    Here's hoping that Pimp scores GREAT on his test! 


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