Aug 23, 2010

Sneaky Cat Steals Food

Nevermind that other food bowl that no one is using... This silly kitty wants the food in his brother's bowl -- that he's currently eating out of.

So what to do? Simple! Just extend a paw and sneakily scoop out a nom or two...

More nom thievery, please.


  1. awww that's so cute! It's funny - there is another bowl with food in it ? :D

  2. OMC OMC OMC!! Rumbles is ALWAYS doing that, and let me tell you, it is not at ALL funny!!


    Heh heh heh


  3. MOL! We have a nom thief in our house too...Maya!

  4. Haha ~ cats are funny!

    xo Catherine

  5. What a smart kitty. We just stick our whole heads in and push the other guy to the side. That cat has it all figured out. Good video.
    Have a great day.

  6. Now I would say that's pretty darn clever!

  7. Notice how slowly he is eating because of the process; he won't get fat! MOL

  8. It's a classic case of "I'll have what she's having"! :)

  9. What a smart kitty. We just stick our whole heads in and push the other guy to the side. That cat has it all figured out. Good video.
    Have a great day.


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