Nov 25, 2012

Cat and Hedgehog Share a Bowl

There's no reason why everyone can't share, right? No matter if you're furry or spiky, sometimes it's fun to share a refreshing beverage with a buddy.

Like this hedgehog and cat sharing a bowl of milk!

P.S. I know cats aren't supposed to drink milk... but this is still a cute video. So let's just enjoy that part of it. :)

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  1. That hedgehog is drinking so daintily!!! very cute!!!!

  2. That hedgehog sure know how to lap it up in record time!But these two are adorable!

  3. Sharing.......wonderful!! These two are so cute!!!

  4. Super cute, though milks not great for hedge hog either - but a little of what you fancy. I have photos from years back of one of my earlier generation cats who loved to share the resident hedge hogs supper of cat food, out in the garden afresco! She had her own dinner right there in the kitchen but I think she liked the company of her prckly friend! I still leave left over cat food and always plenty of water in the bushes for my night time visitors. My present cat is not so accomodating - occassionally I find him in the bushes eating his left overs on his own, yet he had fresh food in the kitchen. Cats are still such a mystery to me.L -X

  5. Just keep your needles to yourself, hedgehog!

  6. That was cute. Harry the Farm cat loves goat's milk and it does not bother him

  7. OMC - that Hedgie is so cute, and apparently he doesn't mind sharing his milk with a kitty.

  8. Oh, how adorable!! I'm surprised the hedgehog is sharing it so nicely and isn't scared of his cat friend!

  9. Could be goats milk which would be alright......


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