Nov 30, 2012

French Bulldog Picks a Fight With the Wrong Cat

This little Frenchie acts really tough in front of this cat, barking and yapping and being all big.

Until the cat decides she's had enough... and we find out what a wimp that doggie really is!

NOTE FROM CUTE: We're 1/3 of the way to our goal with donations for Santa Paws Drive! Great work everyone, but we still have a long way to go. We want to send each shelter $1,000 and enough toys and treats for each dog and cat there!

If you can spare a few dollars, please consider donating today! Thanks!

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  1. LOL......oh what a cat!!! LOL

  2. Howling with laughter! Hysterical!

  3. I love how the bulldog wiggled his butt while he was barking. The other dog is like: Dude! He didn't even scratch you!! Guess that will put an end to the bulldog barking at that cat!!

  4. Cat: I. Have. Had. Enough!
    The second dog's surprise was pretty funny, too.

  5. BWAHAHAHA!! Putty Tat say "SUT UP!" Pup Dawg got off eezy! :)

  6. That is the biggest sissy dog I have ever seen. What a great cat. Taught that dog a thing or two.
    I am going to post about the Santa drive tomorrow.

  7. Poor little Frenchie. :(. Cool ending. Jungle sounds! Scary!

  8. OMC - soooo funny! However, in most cases, cats do rule but no all. In this particular episode I think that has proved to be absolutely TRUE. All 3 are lovely....did you see the size of kitty's tail? POOF! I am mad!

  9. Aww! That dog was so afraid...what a whimp lol. My cat used to do that to my ex's pitbull when she annoyed him lol

  10. As Cajuns say, "Well guess THAT got

    'im said!" LOL!


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