Jan 3, 2010

Kitten Headlock

These two wriggling and squiggling bundles of fur make wrestling cute! Much cuter than when humans do it... Watch as they masterfully show their headlock techniques!

Next, see how to break up a cat fight.


  1. Yeah, why would anyone want to watch humans wrestle anyhow? Kitten wrestling is much more entertaining. Somebody needs to talk to ESPN.

  2. They such cute kittens. I love how they are really gentle with each other. Great video.

  3. I love how they were purring the whole time!

  4. They are very good at it too...got them motors running too!

  5. LOL I much prefer to watch cat wrestling than human...any day! meow meow! :)

  6. They are TOO cute!! yeah I'd rather watch my cats wrestle any day, I watch them instead of TV, they are so entertaining...and awful rough with each other sometimes!

  7. Wrestling and purring! Doesn't get much better than that!


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