Jan 15, 2010

Kitten Meow Fail

This cute cat has a fabulous meow (or lack thereof)! I don't know if his meower is broken or if this is just how he does it, but it really adds to his cuteness. About halfway through he gets in a pretty good one, and at the end it's like the grande finale meow!

Don't you just want to give him a big kitty hug?


  1. One of my cats does this too, for the asking (if he's in the mood, of course!). He meows regularly also, but this is his extra-special meow.

  2. Oh that is sad. But he sure does try to meow. Kind of neat that he has his own unique meow. Too cute.

  3. How CUTE! A cat with laryngitis!!! :)

    I wanted to reach through that screen and give him a great big kiss...What a doll-cat! :)

  4. Oh he is a sweetie, I loved the grand finale!!!

  5. What a cutie! I loev his meows....but that guy at the end...who does he think he is to tell a cat to meow....the cat gave him the proper look! But then gave the cute meow...maybe that was his...hey guy i do what i want meow

  6. he he - dat's kind of how I sound. Yup - he has a broken meower too.

  7. We call that "The Silent Miaow" based on the famous book by that name!

  8. Awwwww he is very cute! Mommma says dat Daisy's comment says what we calls it too...silent meow, momma's Patches cat before me use to do dat but she had a regular meow too.


  9. Maybe he swallowed a birdie or a froggie

  10. My sweet boy has a meow like that. He meows normal too but sometimes he will do the little one when he wants to cuddle!! This kitty is soooo cute!

  11. How cute and it seems the cat meows a lot.love the colors

  12. what a cutie!


You know what would be really cute? If you left a comment... :)

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