May 13, 2012

Baby Kittens Come Running! And Happy Mother's Day to All Pet Moms

Foster mom walks into the room and the kittens are nowhere to be seen. But watch what happens when she calls them... The cutest kitten stampede ever!

They know her voice and come running for cuddles whenever she calls. And momma cat looks like she's enjoying the break!

NOTE FROM CUTE: Happy Mother's Day to all the human moms and pet moms out there! If you didn't see earlier this week, I wrote a post on Catster about how pet moms are real moms, too. Check it out!

It's a response to a column I saw on the Huffington Post where some crazy woman said the term "pet mom" is ridiculous and that we're not really moms. Hmph! I beg to differ, and I'm sure most of you do, too.


  1. Omgahhhh so many little squeakers!

    Happy Mother's Day to all awesome ladies out there! ♥

    ~ Kieli ~

  2. Awwww.......adorable little babies!!! Happy Mother's Day from one pet mom to another! (Great response article) Puffy and Winky'mom, Britt

  3. Those cute little kittens with their pointy tails just melt my heart!!!   Happy Mothers Day, Dorian! Hope Pimp and Moo give you lots and lots of extra cuddles today!!!

  4. Hi DailyCute,

    I read your article in Catster.  Very calm letter, and yet very passionate about why a cat mama is indeed a mama.  You've said everything I felt and do for my 2 kids, a son and a daughter.  
    I always have to follow up and say that, they are furballs.  

    Besides the fact that I do not drive them to their piano lessons and tuition classes which are the norm for Asia kids, what different are they from human kids?

    A cat mama from Singapore/Asia.   

  5. EEEP! babieees! my mom swears that she came across a happy mother's day card for kitty mommies that she nearly got me...i want it now! :) 

  6. Sweet video!
    Not only am I a cat-mama, but my my mom refers to my cats as her grandkitties. :)

  7. Happy Mothers Day Dorian, you are a fantastic Mom!

  8. those kittens are all like: ok you woke us up, now what??

  9. I LOVE spiky tails!!!

  10. Awwww, cute little kitties. Happy Mother's Day!

  11. Happy Momcat's Day and Mother's Day, too!  Great article, Dorian!

  12. That's awesome.  Thanks.  I needed a smile today.

  13. Come back for a smile any day! :)

  14. Thank you! Hope you had a good Mother's Day, too, Nicole!

  15. Thank you! Hope you had a good Mother's Day, too! :)

  16. Thanks, Pricilla! Hope you and the publicist and all the mommy and nanny goats had a great Mother's Day, too!

  17. Yes! Have you seen the things that say "All my grandkids have paws."? I think I got my parents a Christmas ornament with that on there once... ;)

  18. A cat mom's Mother's Day card is a great idea! 

  19. Hi Elaine! Thank you for the note! I really appreciate it. We are all cat and dog and pet moms, and who is anyone else to tell us we're not? :)

    Give kisses and hugs to your two kids from me!-Dorian

  20. LOVE the tails, too! Little rat tails. ;)

  21. ...and then when you come to, there are babies! babies! babies! crawling all over you.  ;)

  22. Hope you had a good Mother's Day, too, Kieli!

  23.  I did, thank you! Hope yours was just as awesome ♥

    ~ Kieli ~

  24. DAng! That is one happy parade! :)  How cute is that??!

    I beg to differ. Any person who is a care-giver, who loves, and worries over someone younger, tinier, furrier...whatever--they are a MOM.  Heck, I know human moms who shouldn't be called that for how bad they "mother."  Let's not split hairs, goofy lady.  Sheesh.

    Happy Mother's Day, Dorian!


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