Dec 29, 2009

Two Cats Tuesday: Shhhh... We're Sleeping...

Sometimes I wish I was a cat. The past couple days I've been feeling a little run down and sick, and lounging around and napping all day sounds like it would be fabulous.

So, just to rub it in, Pimp and Moo have been making it look extra good lately...

Moo likes to sprawl out like a chicken. The size of the cat bed is irrelevant.

Pimp likes to use his paw as a pillow. If I had those big lion paws, I'd probably do that, too!

Is there anything cuter than an upside-down cow kitty? I think not.

Don't you just want to kiss his little nose? I do! And I do all the time...

How is it that cats make even the craziest positions look comfortable? Comfortable and CUTE!


  1. There is something cuter than an upside-down cow kitty! TWO upside-down cow kitties har har har

    And by the way, just looking at cats sleeping is restful and makes blood pressure go down :-)

  2. I bet if you snorgle those tum tums it will help you to relax!!

  3. ahhhh, they're sooo cute.
    Purrz and Headbutts!

  4. Harley agrees with the cuteness of upside-down cow kitties!

  5. There is absolutely nothing better than a big bunch of comfy cozy!

  6. Cow kitties have a remarkable charm...get some rest, the New Year is just around the corner and there is much cute work to do!

  7. hello daily cute its dennis the vizsla dog hay me and tucker just luv it wen sumbuddy is sik!!! we lie on the kowtch or in bed with them all day long just cuddling them!!! and the fakt that its yoozhually mama hoo is sik is just an ekstra bonus!!! ok bye

  8. Very cute both
    I send you many hugs ......
    Kareltje =^.^=

  9. Yesh, it is a furry good thing to be a kitty cat. Our momma looks at us sometimes when we is nappin' and thinks that she wishes we would move over and share with her☺

  10. Who can resist an upside down kitty. Such cute pictures.

  11. Two cute cats!
    Nice and inspiring post

  12. Not a day goes by that I dont wish I was a cat. LOL

  13. Our mom wishes she was a cat too...we want her to stay who she is 'cuz who would feed us then??

  14. I love it when the kitties use their paws as pillow, they do look so comfy! :)

  15. What can I say? We cats are masters of relaxation!

  16. I hope you feel better soon. Just stare at the will help!

  17. Kiss on the nose indeed! So sweet!

  18. The dynamic duo strikes, yawwwwwwnnnn...again!

    BZTAT and the Brew

  19. I'm all about smooching sleeping cats' noses!

  20. Cute overload today! Sleeping kitties are so peaceful and remind us to slow down and enjoy our naps with gusto!

    Hope you are feeling better!

  21. Momma says she feels da same way! Us kitties knows how takes a nap for sures! MOL


  22. Cats sure do know how to take a wonderful nap. They always look so comfortable no matter where they are sleeping. No wonder you wanted a nap. Hope you feel better.


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