Sep 12, 2010

Sink Drinking Cat Needs Some Lessons...

Stella likes to drink water from the sink. (What cat doesn't right?)

It's just the her technique could probably use, um, a little help -- she seems to be almost completely missing the water! Can any kitties offer some tips?

Bonus Cute: Pimp drinking from sink!


  1. it looked to me like the water was going into the corner of the kitty's mouth. Kind of like when you are at the dentist and they shoot the water on the side, you swallow some, you dribble out the rest MOL

    Cat Chat

  2. "I drink and drink and drink, and my thirst is never quenched!" :D

  3. Well, that's pretty close! I like Pimp the wet head!

  4. I think that Kitty is getting a little water. She just doesn't want a wet face. Pimp knows how to do it. Have a great Sunday.

  5. Good thing she has a built-in bib!

  6. She's apparently getting water or she wouldn't be doing it that way. We have a kitty fountain now so I don't have to deal with turning on and off the sink all of the time for the kitties. They LOVE that thing!

  7. it looked to me like the water was going into the corner of the kitty's mouth. Kind of like when you are at the dentist and they shoot the water on the side, you swallow some, you dribble out the rest MOL

    Cat Chat

  8. Well, that's pretty close! I like Pimp the wet head!


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