Oct 13, 2010

Dancing Otters!

I had no idea otters were so squeaky. Or so bouncy. Or so cute, really... Until I saw this dancing otters video.

This silly herd of otters at the Chester Zoo is so excited about something (I wish I knew what it was!) that they can't help but do the jumping otter dance! And, don't you think they sound like a wacky basket full of unstoppable squeaky toys?

Bonus Cute! If you haven't seen the otters holding hands video... Watch it! Super cute.


  1. Oh, I saw this somewhere else--they were waiting for their caretaker to feed them! Aren't they funny???!

  2. i love it! LOLOLOL i love the people laughing!

  3. Oh my C - those otters are so adorable.

  4. Those otters really are cute and very funny. They must get treats there.That was super. Take care.

  5. Cute!!! I think they are watching the kangaroos going by!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I wonder what Otter Treats are made of. They like fish, frogs and crayfish. I'll bet they like Gumb

  8. oh my gosh, I want one.

  9. oh my gosh, I want one.

  10. Those otters really are cute and very funny. They must get treats there.That was super. Take care.


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