Oct 8, 2010

New Simon's Cat: Cat Chat

Yippee! It's always a good day for the world of cute when there's a new Simon's Cat cartoon video out. This one features the cat (of course) talking to his hedgehog buddy. Or is that a porcupine? Is there a difference?

This one is a little different than his previous Simon's Cat videos, because the cat is not up to his usual cat antics, but still super cute...

Want more Simon's Cat cuteness? Try these!

Simon's Cat: Fly Guy
Simon's Cat: Snow Business
Simon's Cat in "The Box"


  1. he he - dat is super cute. Thanks for sharing. You brought a smile to our face.

  2. Love those Simon ones. I could watch those all day long. Have a great week end.

  3. I love Simon's Cat and didn't realize a new one was out! Thanks for the afternoon giggle...these are a hoot!


You know what would be really cute? If you left a comment... :)

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