Jan 30, 2011

Sweet Cat Loves His Baby Brother

This one's for the people who think they need to "get rid of" their cats when they have a baby... No! Just look at what sweet little moments you might not get to catch.

Their sweet black cat just adores his new baby brother, and just thought he might need a little bath.

Hey, it's better than having your grandma lick her finger and then wipe something off your face or flatten a wild hair, right? I'd much rather have a cute kitty do it!

Speaking of black cats... Make sure you click the "sweet black cat" link up there!


  1. I love the baby's expression while the cat is licking him. He looks completely confused, but he's just going with it. Very cute!

  2. That is just the cutest. When my daughter was born, our cat used to sleep with one paw on her carrier. He loved her so :)

  3. I never will understand why people are afraid to have cats around babies. That is a darling video.

  4. That cat loves that little baby and is keeping it nice and clean. That child will grow up loving cats. What a super thing to have happen. Take care.

  5. Awww, but a cat's tongue is soooo rough

  6. I would think that would hurt like HELL on a little guys head!! But how sweet is that? I don't like the old wives' tale about cats and people believing it. My cats never got near my kids. (And that is because they are SMART!!)

  7. Awww, but a cat's tongue is soooo rough

  8. I love the baby's expression while the cat is licking him. He looks completely confused, but he's just going with it. Very cute!


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