Feb 14, 2011

Kitten's First Wet Food (She goes nuts!)

Noodle had always eaten dry cat food... until this one wild night when she was introduced to the stinky stuff for the first time.

And hilarity ensued.

Did she think the spoon was going to steal back her food? Was she scared of the spoon? Or was she just a little maniac kitten just introduced the next best to cats after catnip? (I'm going with the last one!)

P.S. The video says Noodle was alway super well-fed, so don't worry about that. Plus, look at her little chunkiness! We can tell she wasn't starving. :) She's all grown up now and still makes them smile every day!

P.P.S. Happy Valentine's Day, Cuteheads! Pimp and Moo are my Valentines this year, so we'll be cuddling and snuggling even more than normal!


  1. Crazy and an exhausting way to eat. MOL

  2. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard while watching a cat video! Noodle is so cute, and her reaction to the food is hilarious! I particularly liked her little growls and meows.

  3. When Harley lived in the shelter, the kitties in the cages got wet food in the morning. Harley (he was called Neptune then) would always gobble his like a maniac, and growl the whole time in case anyone took it away from him. Since he has lived with us, he forgot how to growl!

  4. I'm enjoying how calm the big cat is. She just looks at the camera like, "what's that kid's problem?"

  5. Aw, he just knows that he doesn't have to be scrappy for his food since he has a warm, happy home. :)

    (Not that he had to be scrappy at Cats Exclusive, I'm sure! But a home is always way better!)

  6. I laughed, too! He didn't want anyone or anything near his yummy treat. MINE! All mine!

  7. She probably took a nice little catnap after. :)

  8. For a few seconds there, I was worried she might try and get some of the food from Noodle. That wouldn't have ended well... ;)

  9. me thinks kitty needs prozac! lol

  10. I have an older kitten that still does that. .She has been like that for six months and steals food from others and people.. Don't know why .. she is not starving.. She is like a dog with a bone!

  11. I was laughing so hard I was crying. That is absolutely hilarious! I love the look on the older white kitties face. Like...WTH?

  12. OMG that was funny. I think that little kittty is going to do just fine in life. Wow, she is a scrappy little thing. Too funny, I really enjoyed that.

  13. Maybe she was attacked by a spoon in a previous life? Who knows. All I know is she is way cute. <3

  14. Wow, that is one crazy kitty!

  15. sounded like the kitty said leave me alone and give me that.that is hilarious.reminds of when mine was that little.

  16. Yup. With an attitude like that, I'm sure she'll get everything she wants!

  17. She's ferocious!!!

  18. Little calico kitten has calico ATTITUDE!!

  19. Maybe the people who made the food added alot of catnip in it?

  20. Like to see em put their hand down there!


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