Mar 14, 2011

What Cats Are Really Thinking

Do you ever think about what your pets are thinking when you talk to them and fuss over them and stick that flashy-box in their faces all the time?

Well, finally we know, thanks to this cute and insightful video. It's an oldie, but a goodie. Enjoy!

Notes from Cute: Bunch of stuff coming up!

Tomorrow is Petfinder's 15th birthday and they're doing Adopt the Internet Day. Cute is participating, and you're welcome to as well! Click the banner on the right for info.

Thursday the 17th, pet blogs across the Internet are rallying together for "Paws for Japan" to raise money for animal victims of the Japan earthquake and tsunami. Get the details here. It's going to be backed by BlogPaws Be the Change for Pets. Please click the "Help Japan" tab up top to get the badge and more info on how to participate.

And let's not forget it's "Face of Cute" Monday on Cute's Facebook page! Post your cute pet pics all day and one will get to be the face of for the next week (like Charles is right now!).


  1. ROFL!! I LOVE that video! An oldie but goodie, indeed!

  2. Oh, and yes! Let's be there for Paws for Japan!

  3. Talk about catatude! I love it.

  4. We goats are very much the same.

    Sherpa tells me that he will add the paws for Japan to the Catstacular Event!

  5. Excellent. Tell Sherpa thanks for us!

  6. We certainly will post on Thursday about the Japan rescue. What a great idea.
    Am going to go look for cute pics.

  7. I love that video, I had not seen it before now!

  8. Petfinder has been around for awhile and “Adopt the Internet” supports a great cause. It is important for your Visitors to know about – The Pet Search Engine.™ as well.

    aKeKee is the first vertical search engine for pets and offers animal lovers the convenience of a simple Google-like interface, customized search filters and the ability to sign up for email alerts to stay informed of the latest postings. aKeKee is a free resource providing animal lovers easy access to hundreds of thousands of pet postings from dogs and cats to alpacas.

    Simply put, aKeKee is Petfinder and more. – The Pet Search Engine.™

  9. I LOVE THIS ONE Ihave watched it over and over!!!! Do I need to get a life or what?? Margaret in Mich


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