Mar 13, 2011

Baby Squirrel Gets a Little Boost

This is the story of a momma squirrel and her baby trying to climb over a wall. The baby was having trouble, and got a little boost from the kind-hearted people watching.

The comments say this took place over about 20 minutes. The mom and baby squirrel kept trying again and again, until help came from an unlikely place.

It's videos like this that make me love people! I would have done the same thing, and I'm sure many of you would have, too.

Thanks to Cute's Facebook friend, Julianne, for sharing this cute squirrel video!


  1. okay, how many of you guys cheered when he made it? (Glad I was alone)

  2. Yep, faith in humanity restored! And yeah, I cheered. :-)

  3. big thankyou to all those who helped, it just shows how cooperation can achieve solutions.

  4. tears in my eyes for the little guy and big cheers and claps when he achieved his goal. you guys were cool in helping him out. a big thankyou for your help.

  5. That sure made me smile when the little one made it!

  6. Great video. Species can work together!... Yay!!

    pawhugs, Max

  7. Loved it....made my heart swell. I was clapping when he finally made it!!!

  8. That was pretty exciting when he made it. Animals are so smart.

  9. Awww, I have tears for the reunion. Yay!

  10. I love how everyone was watching and helping the squirrels without scaring them. Life is good sometimes. :)

  11. Video would have been great but the "producer" felt the need to insert comments every two F'in seconds taking an incredible 30 second video and creating an annoying two minute vid!

    Squirrels 1
    Producer 0


You know what would be really cute? If you left a comment... :)

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