Apr 21, 2011

Kitten vs. Stuffed Ducky

Heaven the kitten shows no mercy when it comes to her stuffed ducky!


  1. Oh, the humanity!!! That poor duck doesn't stand a chance! ;)

  2. That duck is history!!! Hey Dorian, I didn't get Cyte in my email today, just fyi.

  3. I know. I'm the worst. Somehow totally forgot to schedule a Cute for this morning before I went to bed last night. I posted this one as soon as I noticed and reset the email feed times... So *hopefully* one will go out before 11 a.m. today. Paws crossed!

  4. That little booger is a fighting machine, someone yell DUCK!

  5. That little duck never stood a chance. Cutest mauling ever!


You know what would be really cute? If you left a comment... :)

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